Indoor Elle's Experiments

Cheers dude. I feel universal balance returning! That’s what the reviews for Barneys are like online. Loads of slagging then a couple of people come along and say they grow lovely barneys plants.

Is the smelly Chunk cheesy? Pineapple x cheese isn’t it?
i forgot dude...I grew an Ayahuasca Purple as well that rocked:vibe:
Delicious Seeds Fruity Chronic Juice
Seed Stockers Blackberry Gum
Thanks bushy!

Dutch Passion Night Queen
Delicious Fruity chronic Juice
Cheers 912!

Barney's farm. Liberty haze (bet ya got one)
On the list.

well if you ain't going to do one of each I would vote for

G13 Labs Sweet Amnesia

Dutch Passion Night Queen
Thanks hairy!

Great, cheers Mongol!

Barney's Farm Acapulco Gold just because I'd like to see a comparison against my own.

Seedstockers Blackberry gum.

Dutch Passion Night queen
Much obliged Growtogrow!


Thanks to everyone who's voted so far - the current leader is Night Queen. You still have 12 hours to chip in with your tuppence worth!

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