Indoor el samurai's Auto Assasin seed run

Dam Sam!
I SWEAR, yer STILL using 1 gallon pots! Wassup widat?
Excellent fail!:dance2:
ah, the sprouts are in 3 gal. and getting 2oz + per plant from a1 gal pot is a great way to fail a seed run.LOL
See that's what I been saying, We have the best past time, hobby, whatever. When we fail at something we still get weed as the consolation prize. Too Damn Cool. Good job ES, enjoy the herbage.

wow! Nice job elsam!!!!
just took down #4. 254 g's wet. getting close to the 1/4lb mark with 1 more to go. i'll let that 1 go awhile longer.i want something to lock me to the couch lol. and an Assasin match sounds like a plan. do you ever come up for a ball game?

Whoo Hoo! That is amazing!
well they've all came down. #3 has a day or 2 left in the box. Betty and #4 are at 62rh and down for the cure. the first 2 to come down weighed in at 4.7oz total. #3 looks about 2+oz so not bad at all from a fail.LOL. i'll get a smoke report up in a couple weeks
that's what im talkin bout elsam. all even sized no stem smokable nugs. max rep bro
nevermind bro. it wont let me. it says I like you too
Way to go buddy im glad your fail was so great! I took a little sneak taste today still a little green but kinda piney spicey and first hit straight to the head three I was done!
Way to go buddy im glad your fail was so great! I took a little sneak taste today still a little green but kinda piney spicey and first hit straight to the head three I was done!
did the same homes. same taste and definitely a great buzz! should be real tasty after a few weeks in a jar :P