Indoor El Cheapo Grow

Jul 17, 2016
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Hello all! I bought 2 bigger grow tents and new lights a few months ago and I had my old ones just sitting in the basement so I I decided I'd do a bare bones budget grow for fun to see how it turns out. I'm going low budget on everything so my materials consist of 2 cheap mars 300's, four 5 gallon hardware store buckets with drilled drain and air holes ( ghetto air pots lol) , 3 mbap and 1 skystomper, cheap dollar store soil ( literally $1 per bag !) , cheap miracle grow perlite, miracle grow nutes, and a $50 ebay tent. I hadn't planned on doing a journal but at day 20ish 2 of the mbap and the ss are suprisingly still alive and doing well. The 3rd mbap is on day 3 and still under 6 for $2 cfls with $1 homedepot adapters. Maybe this journal will be interesting for someone without a lot of money to spend that may be thinking about how to get into growing. I'll update with some pics a little later.
Here's a couple pics if anyone's interested.

The top quality nutes :crying:


The $50 tent and 2 for $120 lights I may add a 3rd if needed)

And mbap 1 20ish days in $1 dirt

mbap 2

Skywalker (maybe, but not sure) 20ish days

And another mbap day 3

My high tech vegging station and "air pots" lol


Sorry about the cheesy pics and saggy plants. Was watering time. The brown on the soil is $4 play sand that I washed and used to fight a few gnats I had around. As you can see its pretty basic. Going well so far so I hope my luck holds up. :bighug:
Quick pic update since I'll be pretty busy all week. I gave the the biggest 3 a hit of the MG all purpose nutes a couple days ago and they girls aren't laying in the dirt so that's a good thing. Mbap 1 has taken off the most so far with mbap 2 growing well also. The skywalker? is growing more slowly it seems. I didnt do any training on her so she'll just grow natural.

MBAP1 day 25 13 inches with lst

Mbap2 10 inches with lst

Skywalker 7 inches natural

And tent security guard Lillian. Her brother didn't help so he wont be getting a treat this afternoon


So far so good !
Quick update with some pics. Mbap1 is doing far better on these low budget materials than I expected. It's really started to take off. Mbap2 is a little behind, but doing pretty good as well. the skywalker is looking like it's just gonna be a small plant, but nice and healthy. I'll start taking pics of mbap3 next week at day 21. If mbap 1&2keep growing this way I may not have room for mbap3 in this tent so I'll just put it in the good one and continue on with the bigger 3 in this journal.
Mbap day 33



Skywalker day 33

every documented grow has its value,a budget grow is no some people its not about show winning buds or prize winning yields.its just about getting a smoke of something when they either couldnt afford or couldnt get their hands on any.
nothing budget looking about that last pic,great looking plants.
keep er lit.
Thanks @archie gemmill and @Dudeski . I know when I first found this site a few years ago It took quite some time to begin my own grow. I was still smoking street bunk because I thought I needed a thousand bucks worth of stuff to grow :face: . All those months of seed filled joints popping like a mini fireworks show:grump:. Hopefully someone can see this journal and know that it doesn't take all of that to cop some good smoke. I was telling my wife that this $1 dollar store dirt isn't doing too bad at all. I bought some cheap natures care organic miracle grow mix to transplant int if things went south, but the girls are still pushing along in this grave dirt :growing: