Photoperiod Early Top Tao - photo or auto?

Jul 26, 2016
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Early Top Tao - photo or auto?

Hey amigos and amigas,

I'd like to show you, and ask your opinion about, this plant:
View attachment 716260
View attachment 716261

It's Early Top Tao, at 25 days old, under 17/7 lighting, males flowers at the 5th node or so, about 10cm = 4" tall.

I got 3 free Early Top Tao photo reg seeds with a Seed City order.
Dropped them less than a month ago. All three popped.
After some strange nutrient issue while small, they are now healthy.
The strain is "early", but this is too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He also has a sister, which is just as tiny and showing a number of white pistils.
The whole grow journal is here:

What do you make of it? Is it acting like an auto? Why?
The term early makes me think auto ,definitely what makes it earlier than regular top Tao ,probably ruderalis.
Early Top Tao - photo or auto?

Hey amigos and amigas,

I'd like to show you, and ask your opinion about, this plant:
View attachment 716260
View attachment 716261

It's Early Top Tao, at 25 days old, under 17/7 lighting, males flowers at the 5th node or so, about 10cm = 4" tall.

I got 3 free Early Top Tao photo reg seeds with a Seed City order.
Dropped them less than a month ago. All three popped.
After some strange nutrient issue while small, they are now healthy.
The strain is "early", but this is too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He also has a sister, which is just as tiny and showing a number of white pistils.
The whole grow journal is here:

What do you make of it? Is it acting like an auto? Why?
17/7 is a bit low for photoperiod length, seems to be initiating preflower. Perhaps attempt 20/4 or 24/0 for a while and see if it continues.
Update: out of three seedlings, two females and one male.
The male put out stamens on the third node.
The two females put out pistils on the fourth node.
17/7 is a bit low for photoperiod length, seems to be initiating preflower. Perhaps attempt 20/4 or 24/0 for a while and see if it continues.

Could be. But, these are supposed to be indoor/outdoor plants.
It would have to be far north (or south) to have peak summer more than 17/7.
I know most indoor growers do maybe 18/6 or 20/4 or even 24/0.
But....... doesn't seem right to me.

In the end they were freebies, so it's just fun to play.

@Castle Grown -- thanks for stopping by!! :D
I wonder if they are perhaps semi-auto plants. I know some of the super autos will start to flower in less than 18/6, but will stay in veg under 24/0.
I wonder if they are perhaps semi-auto plants. I know some of the super autos will start to flower in less than 18/6, but will stay in veg under 24/0.
I read it was a selection process,they only used there fastest flowering plants,I thought it wad an auto because of the time frame in flowering close to average auto 18 -20 days from seed.
hard to say, male autos usually show very early, as soon as 13 days! maybe an auto...... I think not though