Indoor DWC/Fog LED/CFL/ HPS (Maxi, JH, blueberry x ak47)

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@CDC... thats sweet! cheap enough too! and no heat / controls / refills / tanks... horseshit! lol now we just need to go figure out what bacteria or fungi do that... and make our own for $6 lol

Mossys K.I.S.S.
where there is no second room...and you don't want a Full are a few ideas
First of all...
You Don't need the Full male.
If you bring a male up to sex....there are a number of option.
ALL of these need to be done in a warm dry place.
Damp/moisture KILLS pollen.
Take him out of the grow him in another warm dry area..
it doesn't even have to be in the light...he will Start flowering..and drop pollen.
Take him out of the grow room and remove a couple of the long-stemmed flower spikes...
Put in a glass of water..he will flower and pollenate same as Any other cut flower.
Take him out of the grow room...cut him down...
make a paper bag out of a couple of pages of newspaper....
pop him in and hang the Bag up...
in a couple of days he will have shed enough pollen in the bag to make a pollenation.
Manual pollenation is best done with a SOFT paint brush.
Dab the paint brush down into the pistils/ insect legs transfering pollen into them.
Pistils will Normally wizen and start to withdraw within 24 hours..
unless you have a cold set up...and the transpiration in slowed.

Q- How long will ExHale cultivate CO2?
A- You can expect ExHale to cultivate CO2 for up
to 6 months.

Q- Does ExHale create heat?
A- No, ExHale does not create heat or pose any
fire danger.

Q- What does the filter patch do?
A- The filter patch allows gaseous compounds
such as O2 to enter the bag and CO2 to exit the
bag. Depending upon conditions the bag may
inflate, however this is not an indication of
performance. If the mycelium is growing, then
the CO2 is flowing.

Q- Where should I put ExHale?
A- Place ExHale slightly above the height of the
plants in your grow space. CO2 being heavier
than O2 will precipitate downward towards your

Q- What size of a room will ExHale
A- ExHale will accommodate small to medium
grow spaces, or more specifically 1 ExHale
Cultivator will provide 4-6 plants with the CO2
they need. A continuous shower of CO2 directly
onto your plants is the most efficient way to
deliver CO2.

Q- What is inside the ExHale Cultivator?
A- Inside the ExHale cultivator is a non-fruiting
mycelial mass that is growing on organic matter.
NO manure is used and there is no odor.

Q- Does ExHale come with instructions?
A- Yes, the instructions are right on the bag.

Q- Does ExHale require any electricity or special
A-No, ExHale comes complete No need to turn it
on or turn it off. Simply leave ExHale alone to do
its job.

Q- What do I do with the ExHale Cultivator after
6 months.
A- The ExHale Cultivator is 100% recyclable.
Simply remove the contents and mix into your
compost pile or use as a soil amendment. The bag
can be recycled through your local plastic

Q- What do I do if I have other questions?
A- Give us a cahmmm so a fungus... basically a contained mushroom farm... hmmm...ll at 1-888-243-3233.
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if pollen's droppin theres no stoppin'
get that freaky streak on poppin,
get them ladies get them gents,
make them save you pretty pence,
they are craving for their vents,
like teenagers left in tents,
attraction, rising, tugging , pulling,
genetics thriving no more culling,
no more waiting, get it on,
see them donning pollen on?
sure enough in a few short weeks,
you can grow some brand new tweaks!

@JM your prose is great,i look forward to finding your words of wit when i cruise around here,it's like a daily dose of prozak for the soul.thanks...RSV1
Fuck yeah!
Shakespeare was your uncle,no doubt, classy work, John!

Make it a sticky,says i .... :clap::clap: :twist: :clap::clap:
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JM, one of the best yet! Love it bro, everytime

it's like a daily dose of prozak for the soul.thanks...RSV1

Fuck yeah!
Shakespeare was your uncle,no doubt, classy work, John!

aww shux guys... thanks.. lol I attribute it to great smoke... which I must thank great breeders for! thansk all you kickass breeders! :bow: :bow: :jump: :smokebuds:
12/12 Day 20:

950 ppm before gallon of distilled water, 97 temp, 50% hum.

I just raped a few of lil bee branches. Hope it takes. The q tip smelled so fruity. She's going to taste so good. :)
12/12 Day 21:

Temp 97, 30% Hum., Didn't check ppm, 5.8 ph

Had to HST Jill and Maxi Tops due to height. They were both 26" and too close to the light.
I'm getting anxious for Lil Bee. I love her smell.