New Grower DWC 2 Critical purple

I did some more leaf removal and have found a couple pistils :cheers: Sunday she will be 6 weeks
After removal update little less than 24 hours later


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Roughly 8 hours after them pics ^^ roughly 30 hours after defoliation
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Seems to not care about losing leaves, within a few days she goes back to being a Bush. At 6 weeks now with very few pistils, hopefully I'll start seeing some bud sites soon. Tonight im going to put my viparspectra dimmable light on the red channel only b4 lights out and in the morning, wake up with red and kick the blue channels back on 100 hopefully that helps kick flower in more
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From the looks of it and what I've seen online the critical purple doesn't seem to have stable auto genes, I'm just gonna start 12/12 and hope for the best. Does anyone know or have experience with trying 12/12 until it flowers and then increase lighting? Or would it not trigger the auto trait and just go back to vegging?
You can flower at 14 hours of light if ur worried about loosing yeild bye switching .Ive got a blueberry from GCS that didnt auto n at day 75 ish i flipped the switch to 13n a half hrs of light n its crusing right along. I dont know about upping the hours of light afyer that though my guess is is that it would reveg n ull only b loosing 4 or so hours of light.
Yea idk about growers choice anymore :doh: there's been quite a bit of complaints I've found online about not flowering so idk I'll try the 14/10 and see how it goes. thanks for the info :pass: I didn't know they would still flower with 14/10, how long should it take to see a change? Like to know if the 14/10 is working?
Also I just got a email back from Growers choice and I asked them about triggering flower with 12/12 and then switch back to 20/4 and this is what they said word for word...


That is the correct method! You may increase your light cycle back to 20/4 once the plant has began to flower.

So I guess we will see what happens, I'll be the test dummy and run 12/12 then jump it back to 20/4