New Grower DWC 2 Critical purple

Help lol this wasn't that bad but just checked on her and something making it worse it's only on like 3 of the main colas, I thought it was cal mag issue so I went from .5 tsp to 1 but now I'm thinking phosphorus , nutes I'm using are 1 tsp of calnesium 2-0-0, 1 tsp flora micro, 2 tsp of Holland secret bloom 0-6-4 (ran out of General hydroponics bloom) and hydroguard, is it to much nutes or lacking of? It's only up top

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Post it in the infirmary dude with pics in natural light as impossible to diagnose under blurples
Ph stays at 5.8 when I top or refill generaly but i don't always give it exactly 5.8 sometimes I get it close like 5.7 all the way to 6.1 the lowest I've seen it was at like 5.5 when it drinks alot and the water level drops a gallon or so. I do have like 2 red leaf stems and b4 this the lower leaves did have really small spots on them so I'm leaning toward phosphorus
Gettin there fellas, a little shy of 13 weeks from seed
