Indoor Dwarven farm

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I'm not too worried with this plant because it's my first, but it's always great to have this situations and learn a bit more.

Thanks for the feedback mate. Damn i love this cannabis community. I've been on IT tech communities forums for years and i can tell you, people that grow weed are so cool and helpful!
I'll came back here in a few days with updates. See ya!
Hi guys!

Today i've done a little work at the farm and i've decided to take a few pictures to share with you.
My mobile cam is shitty but seriously, does a farm need an iphone? Eheh, maybe one day!

Here's a few pics of my store animals (i don't know if this is the proper translation to english, but a store is like a house for animals).

Those two are the new piggies we bought a few days ago. Procreation is the main goal!

This is the store for the chickens, turkeys and ducks. I've also have another store for small chicken (that has light to warm them) but i haven't take pictures yet.

And this is the store of the rabbits! The mother of those little rabbits died today, so i don't know if they'll survey. We'll see next days :)

The next acquisition of Dwarven farm will be a sheep to procreation too. I'm looking to buy a pregnant sheep. Hopefully in a few weeks i got she :)

Oh, and this is Mr. White Duck. He's a gentleman, you should see him swing at the lake that we have on another part of the farm, the dude just love it!
Now, I can say: I have seen a family farm in Portugal. Nice. Look forward to more.
That duck is the boss of the farm!

Mohan Ram is having problems keeping cold i think. A few leafs have the points curled up and i've found 2 leafs with cuts at the blades (i don't know if it was some pest). Their color isn't the best too, a few yellow spots. I'll try to post pictures of it.
Btw, i'll not feed her this week. Currently i'm giving 2ml grow and 2 ml bloom, but i'll try to just water she and see if she gets more healthy (maybe overfeed, don't know).

At the last 3 days she hasn't showed vertical grow but the buds are getting fat. If she was root bounded, would she keep flowering or just stop the vertical grow? She has 6 weeks now.

AutoMaria II was also added to the grow and a few photos too (Lemon Skunk and 12 unknown photos). They've 1 week, so in a week or two i'll transplant them.
Hey guys,

I've been having a few problems with MR. PH problem and P deficiency.

Here's the AutoMaria II. I'm hopping that she'll stretch a little because the borders of the pot are shading the leafs! She has 17 days old.

And those are a few unknown strains that a friend gave me, 12 at total. I've already 2 at the farm and a few others are waiting at home to get there!

I'm also building a greenhouse at the farm for a few vegs. I hope in a few weeks, some nice plants grow on that earth! ;)

See ya!