Dutch Passion dutch passions latest auto(Blue Auto Mazar)

One one the right is a lot more stretched then the other and also showing some bud clusters so the right one is flowering sooner. I would say there both indica dom. just more or less the way it is growing that makes the different phenol....just my $0.02

kind of but it will make more sense in the coming weeks so stay tuned........

day 38

both plants are clearing their res in about 4 days so im just replacing with fresh changes as and when needed, the ec and ph still remain on 2.2 and ph 5.8 which is where they will stay untill further down the line

the plant on the left is my biggest concern because its now day 38 and she has showed no signs of going into full bloom but her sister has pretty much stopped stretching and is now onto floral production

2 very different aromas from both plants, 1 has a very female aroma which smells very delicate and almost fresh like jasmin while the other is more skunky/sweet but neither are very overpowering yet











Looking great as usual!!! I'm really feelin the left one...real indica Dom...can't wait, day 38 and there both really bushy! Lookin like u might set a new auto record bro.
Seymour those ladies are going to be massive! I can't wait to watch them get crazy in the flowering stage! You do incredible work! I really like that you update very often I like to see them really grow! I hope you have absolutely massive massive plants which looks like you will! :jaw:
monster!!!!! i can't describe your lady with another word!!! like briman i would like to see you test some auto-strain that are good producer like buddha seed "magnum" or sweet seed "big devil xl" which is one of my biggest crop :87g (i know i should be ashamed to tell you this but actually i have around 40-50g max from each plant from other auto-strains

also i was wanted to ask you how do you manage to make your stem hard like that because each time i change my bucket i break some branche really easily or when im in soil i don't have this kind of problem have any idea to help me please ??

supplement your feedings with some silicone mate. It will promote stronger stem development and will also increase mould resistance. If you regularly grow plants with large colas then silicone is a must to keep bud rot at bay. 0.02
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supplement your feedings with some silicone mate. It will promote stronger stem development and will also increase mould resistance. If you regularly grow plants with large colas then silicone is a must to keep bud rot at bay. 0.02

+1 on this comment, i was having a disccusion about this exact thing yesterday and came to the conclusion im gonna use it in my next grow, it keeps the plants leaves in an upright postion so she is taking on more light and stops them from dehydration and builds up the cells in the plants walls which makes them less prone to deficiences

i used a product on my "think different" grow called liquid silica from dutch master and her frame was pretty strong but ive also seen that genesis do a product called liquid sand which is made from potassium silicate, silicon is the most abundant element found in the earths crust so it would make sense to me to introduce it back into my hydro regime :thumbs:
Both are looking great SB, they are both gonna be big, maybe different, but both of the highest quality!!!
+1 on this comment, i was having a disccusion about this exact thing yesterday and came to the conclusion im gonna use it in my next grow, it keeps the plants leaves in an upright postion so she is taking on more light and stops them from dehydration and builds up the cells in the plants walls which makes them less prone to deficiences

i used a product on my "think different" grow called liquid silica from dutch master and her frame was pretty strong but ive also seen that genesis do a product called liquid sand which is made from potassium silicate, silicon is the most abundant element found in the earths crust so it would make sense to me to introduce it back into my hydro regime :thumbs:
:thumbs: Those plants ?. Day 38 ?. Thats insane :shrug:I know you cant say much & its the 1st grow ect ,but at a guess .How many days do you think the fastest pheno will take to finish ?.. Or any idea when Tony will give us a heads up ? ... or when Insert will look in to say Tony will look in soon !!.Its killing me here.

I use the dutch masters silica Seymour ,good stuff .Things seem to kick in around the time I start using it . How many ML would you add to a 15LTR res mate ?. I think I started around week 3 with 7.5ml & went up 2.5 ml a week until the end of veg ... Would you say that's right or would you do it differently than that?

Thanks Boss & fookin' flawless as usual !:smokebuds:
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cheers for the comments

:thumbs: Those plants ?. Day 38 ?. Thats insane :shrug:I know you cant say much & its the 1st grow ect ,but at a guess .How many days do you think the fastest pheno will take to finish ?.. Or any idea when Tony will give us a heads up ? ... or when Insert will look in to say Tony will look in soon !!.Its killing me here.

I use the dutch masters silica Seymour ,good stuff .Things seem to kick in around the time I start using it . How many ML would you add to a 15LTR res MATE ?. I think I started around week 3 with 7.5ml & went up 2.5 ml a week until the end of veg ... Would you say that's right or would you do it differently than that?

Thanks Boss & fookin' flawless as usual !:smokebuds:

your silica administration sounds about right but i probably wouldnt go highr than 8ml, the ph is quite high so you need to monitor that more often but this will result in a stronger frame to hold more weight, id only use silica from seedling to full bloom switch over and by then she should be ready to go into full flower production and i also read that its best absorb below 5.8 which is perfect veg

as for grow time im not 100% sure as ive got 2 phenos and im guessing the quickest will be done around 70-80 days, we will see in the remaining weeks how quickly or slowly they develope

i extended their veg feed aswell to increase size so this may also be taken into the consideration
Thank you bud.. I'll go a bit lighter on the silica next run.Can't wait to see these blow up :booya:Tents looking a bit full already !.Are you still planning to grow them both out ?.:D:smokebuds: