You could always just go with a super soil mix, and then add in a couple teas and some organic bloom boosters at the end and you get some sweet smoke. That is the most simple way to grow organically, and get results nearly 90% of any set up you can have. Size of the pot makes more of a difference in size of the plants.
Good size pots with super soi mix, which you can buy now premixed on line, and like I said, just a couple things to keep soil alive and boost it at the finish, simple and easy. I have grown many a plant like that on a balcony and got monster plants as long as the pots were at least five gallon. I used three, five and ten gallon buckets. Sometimes ten gallon buckets gave larger plants, but not always, but five always was larger than three. I think four to seven is the sweet spot for most autos, photos can have larger containers.
Anyway, just another option for you if you want simple and guaranteed to be pretty good.