Indoor Dutch Passion Glueberry OG and Cinderella Jack with Skyline LEDs from LED Hydroponics

We are having a bit of a warm spell at the moment. I came home the other day to this.....


Yep 42.3°C ambient temps and 40.2°C inside the tent. The A/C unit was pissing water all over the floor and plug socket.

I ventured out, under the house (watching out for spiders, snakes and goannas) where the condenser unit is, and found next to it, a pipe with some shit hanging out of it. A good poke with a stick and the remains of god knows what fell out along with some putrid water, and hey presto!

Managed to avoid having an Aircon engineer nosing around my nearly complete grow! I would have had to dismantle the lot!

This grow has been a challenge trying to keep the temps in check, I'm surprised I have anything to show you......


Its day 81 with the Glueberry 1 at the back with Glueberry 2 on the right and the Cinderella Jack on the left.

The Cindy Jack is an embarrassment really, she just limped across the finish line. I started flushing her today, and really don't expect much more than 1-2 ounces of shitty weed. I'm sure Mrs Tee won't mind it though ;)


I've also started flushing the Glueberry 2. She's ready!


Lots of thick chunky colas....


I had a peek using a microscope and the trichomes are all milky. I am looking forward to smoking some of this bud in a month or so!


I am worried about mould.... I always seem to get a little bit especially if I flush for too long, so I'm aiming for 2-3 days flush and then I'm gonna trim all her leaves off while she's in the pot, before cutting her down.


Meanwhile the XXL sized Glueberry 1 is still packing it on.....


The main cola is coming on very nicely...


I think she has a good 3 weeks left in her. She's on an EC 1.0 feed with Top Shooter, Bud Candy, Bud XL all in the mix, and she's drinking a good 6 - 7L a day. I've been watering just once a day, but now I have just the one plant to feed, I might go for 2-3 times a day and really give her a boost in these last few weeks.

I'm itching to plant 4 more seeds. I only have 4x 5L airpots, or I could wait till I chop down the GB2 and CJ, and then I'd have 3 20L airpots (including the one from the abandoned CJ2).

I might get on and just plant them in the 5L airpots.....
then do a transplant into 20L ones at around 3-4 weeks. Hmmmm.........

I reckon 2 more Glueberries, a Night Queen and a Pineapple Express. Mmmmmmm...........

You know what? I'm gonna get on with it right NOW! (but first I'm gonna roll another joint)

Have a great weekend, and thanks for looking in!
We are having a bit of a warm spell at the moment. I came home the other day to this.....

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Yep 42.3°C ambient temps and 40.2°C inside the tent. The A/C unit was pissing water all over the floor and plug socket.

I ventured out, under the house (watching out for spiders, snakes and goannas) where the condenser unit is, and found next to it, a pipe with some shit hanging out of it. A good poke with a stick and the remains of god knows what fell out along with some putrid water, and hey presto!

Managed to avoid having an Aircon engineer nosing around my nearly complete grow! I would have had to dismantle the lot!

This grow has been a challenge trying to keep the temps in check, I'm surprised I have anything to show you......

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Its day 81 with the Glueberry 1 at the back with Glueberry 2 on the right and the Cinderella Jack on the left.

The Cindy Jack is an embarrassment really, she just limped across the finish line. I started flushing her today, and really don't expect much more than 1-2 ounces of shitty weed. I'm sure Mrs Tee won't mind it though ;)

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I've also started flushing the Glueberry 2. She's ready!

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Lots of thick chunky colas....

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I had a peek using a microscope and the trichomes are all milky. I am looking forward to smoking some of this bud in a month or so!

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I am worried about mould.... I always seem to get a little bit especially if I flush for too long, so I'm aiming for 2-3 days flush and then I'm gonna trim all her leaves off while she's in the pot, before cutting her down.

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Meanwhile the XXL sized Glueberry 1 is still packing it on.....

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The main cola is coming on very nicely...

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I think she has a good 3 weeks left in her. She's on an EC 1.0 feed with Top Shooter, Bud Candy, Bud XL all in the mix, and she's drinking a good 6 - 7L a day. I've been watering just once a day, but now I have just the one plant to feed, I might go for 2-3 times a day and really give her a boost in these last few weeks.

I'm itching to plant 4 more seeds. I only have 4x 5L airpots, or I could wait till I chop down the GB2 and CJ, and then I'd have 3 20L airpots (including the one from the abandoned CJ2).

I might get on and just plant them in the 5L airpots.....
then do a transplant into 20L ones at around 3-4 weeks. Hmmmm.........

I reckon 2 more Glueberries, a Night Queen and a Pineapple Express. Mmmmmmm...........

You know what? I'm gonna get on with it right NOW! (but first I'm gonna roll another joint)

Have a great weekend, and thanks for looking in!
40c that crazy bro, glad you got AC working. :pass::slap:
40c that crazy bro, glad you got AC working.
Yeah, me too Bro. With HPS that would have brought tent temps up close to the 50°C's!!! Good job the Skylines are a lot cooler!

I actually managed to get off my lazy arse and plant some more beans...

2x Glueberry OG and 1x Auto Night Queen all in 5L airpots with Coco
and 1x Pineapple Express in a 20L airpot with Coco.

I figured get them in ASAP, takes a few weeks off the harvest time, and I think a house inspection is due end of May.

Dutch Passion strains are nice and stable so I can be confident they can take the stress of a gentle repotting into 20L airpots at 3-4 weeks. The Pineapple Express is a Fastbuds strain, so I just wanna give her a 20L airpot from the off and leave her to do her business.

Anyway, they are all in their new homes, covered with clingfilm for humidity and some cardboard over the lot to keep the light out. The lights in the tent will keep them warm, and I should expect them to pop up in the next 48-72 hours..... wish 'em luck!!!
The Cindy Jack is an embarrassment really, she just limped across the finish line. I started flushing her today, and really don't expect much more than 1-2 ounces of shitty weed.

Well I'll take that all back. OK, she was a bitch to grow, but look what I did with her last night....

CJ crop 1.JPG

Here's a different angle......

CJ crop 2.JPG

All in all not as bad as I thought!

CJ crop 3.JPG

I chopped off the stems, and they're now hanging in a cardboard box.

Tonight I started on the Glueberry 2. I did think about manicuring her in the pot like the Cindy Jack, but I was getting worried about mould, so off came the main cola.....

GB2 main cola.JPG

.... and this is what it looks like now....

GB2 main cola 2.jpg

I hate cropping, but these big fat sticky colas are a pleasure to trim. I've done 3 big ones, and that's enough for tonight.

More soon!
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Yeah, me too Bro. With HPS that would have brought tent temps up close to the 50°C's!!! Good job the Skylines are a lot cooler!

I actually managed to get off my lazy arse and plant some more beans...

2x Glueberry OG and 1x Auto Night Queen all in 5L airpots with Coco
and 1x Pineapple Express in a 20L airpot with Coco.

I figured get them in ASAP, takes a few weeks off the harvest time, and I think a house inspection is due end of May.

Dutch Passion strains are nice and stable so I can be confident they can take the stress of a gentle repotting into 20L airpots at 3-4 weeks. The Pineapple Express is a Fastbuds strain, so I just wanna give her a 20L airpot from the off and leave her to do her business.

Anyway, they are all in their new homes, covered with clingfilm for humidity and some cardboard over the lot to keep the light out. The lights in the tent will keep them warm, and I should expect them to pop up in the next 48-72 hours..... wish 'em luck!!!
Dutch passion are my favorite autos!! They are so beautiful and so BIG, I had a lime diaqirui that was over 5 ft tall and had a bush of side branches I went with mephisto genetics this time but kinda regret not having any DP in my rooms I only run autos while photo veg out I run a 4 room set up dam it's confusing sometimes who gets feed what feed R they on but check out these heavyweight autos that are about 5 ft tall, sorry not trying to hijacking your thread just wanted to share so beautiful ladies with you

Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
Well I'll take that all back. OK, she was a bitch to grow, but look what I did with her last night....

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Here's a different angle......

View attachment 866853

All in all not as bad as I thought!

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I chopped off the stems, and they're now hanging in a cardboard box.

Tonight I started on the Glueberry 2. I did think about manicuring her in the pot like the Cindy Jack, but I was getting worried about mould, so off came the main cola.....

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.... and this is what it looks like now....

View attachment 866893

I hate cropping, but these big fat sticky colas are a pleasure to trim. I've done 3 big ones, and that's enough for tonight.

More soon!
she looks lovely and yummy teetee. GB going to kick ass bro.
yum yum bro. its so lovely i want smoke it.

I hope you're talking about the Glueberry OG Bro, that Cindy Jack was a total disaster. I have her spindly stems hanging in a box drying but I'm not holding my breath for anything good though.

thats a hella nice sight there

Cheers Archie, nice of you to say so mate. The Glueberry 2 is also boxed, but with much chunkier stems....

GB2 Hanging.JPG

Most of those stems are 16 - 18 inches long!

Her stump shows how close all the internodes were....

GB2 stump.JPG

(AA by the way)
She had a Skyline 400 approximately 24 inches (60cm) above her for most of the grow and she grew to about 30 or so inches (just under 80cm). I just let her grow, no training of any sort, and she's rewarded me with some really nice fat colas full of sticky bud, with barely any fluff or popcorn (I did trim all her undersides off during flowering).

Glueberry 1 is now on day 88, still a couple of weeks left in her I think....

day 88 GB1 1.JPG

she looks lovely and yummy teetee. GB going to kick ass bro.

Thanks Bro, she's just immense..... not been topped or anything, all au naturel. All I did was hold out a few of the lower stems with stakes in mid veg.

She is bristling with long thick colas, all loaded with sparkly nugs.....

day 88 GB1 2.JPG

Here's the main cola.... I am hoping she'll fatten out some more......

day 88 GB1 3.JPG

She's pretty much* got the tent to herself, so she's got no excuses now. I might up the EC a touch to give her a final push.

*I say "pretty much"..... there's just enough room for my 4 new babies in the corner......

day 2 group.JPG

Clockwise from the Pineapple Express in the big 20L airpot, there's a Glueberry OG, a Night Queen, and another Glueberry OG, all in 5L airpots.

The ones in the 5L airpots are 4 days old, 2 days after they popped, I got impatient with the PE and dug down into the coco to find her..... I must have made the hole too deep when I sowed the seed, and I'm glad I found her, she was a good inch down and was out of her shell, still looping down.... so without exposing her root at all, I hooked her head out and covered the pot with clingfilm for a day to get the humidity up... she's now uncovered on day 2 and looking sweet.

Wish them well.... I'll start a new journal for them once this one's done. Just waiting on the Glueberry 1.......
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