Indoor Dutch Passion Glueberry OG and Cinderella Jack with Skyline LEDs from LED Hydroponics

Teetee mate
i have all 4 skyline hanging from above, more lights = more buds.
Total all 4 x skyline 400 will only use 800w electric, cant wait to see what you going get from this grow mate.
2 extra lenses are sunglasses and for night driving, I will only use them in grow room.
Keep up the good work Teetee.
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Teetee mate
i have all 4 skyline hanging from above, more lights = more buds.
Total all 4 x skyline 400 will only use 800w electric, cant wait to see what you going get from this grow mate.
2 extra lenses are sunglasses and for night driving, I will only use them in grow room.
Keep up the good work Teetee.

Thanks Muddy!

Now that I've received my new Skyline 400, I've fixed it above GB1, so she has 2x Skyline 400s above, plus a Photon and a Helios on either side.

That's pushed the temps up a bit.... I reckon each LED unit adds a degree to the temp, I've certainly noticed that as I've moved up from 3 to 4 and now 5 lights.

Ambient in the grow room is 24°C, now its 29°C in the tent. Meanwhile back on the Ranch, the weather's been gorgeous, mid 30C's, blistering sunshine , and a sweltering 20-25°C at night. All the Bogans from Queensland have invaded our little bubble for the 'Straylya Day' weekend, so the beaches have been packed with twats (take that how you like).

My Daughter's also had a mate round for a sleep-over, so I haven't been able to smoke my usual amount this weekend, but luckily I've had a fair bit of the old Canna-coconut oil.... does the job nicely dulling the sound of them getting the hump with each other.

Day 61 in the tent, and all is well with my other Girls.

The Cinderella Jack seems to have perked up a bit and although she lost a lot of leaves, there's still some potential in her....
day 61 CJ 1.JPG

A closer look shows there's some good bud structure developing.
day 61 CJ 2.JPG

Also, the pistils have changed from thin and wispy to thick and chunky.
day 61 CJ 3.JPG

Lowering the EC to 0.8 seems to have done the trick and she's starting to drink more as well.
She has plenty of time to fatten out..... because she was stressed and locked out early in flower, I'm hoping she will go an extra week or two.

The Glueberries are very happy. GB1 is the big one.....
day 61 GB1 1.JPG

She kind of reminds me of one of those pregnant Mothers, who looks huge, but you know's gonna get even bigger..... and just like a soon to be Mum, I'm gonna have to give this one a jolly good old trim downstairs as well.

She's a bit more advanced in terms of flowering compared to Cindy Jack, there's just loads of action going on there.....
day 61 GB1 2.JPG

Here's her main cola, loading up nicely...
day 61 GB1 3.JPG

That will hopefully be massive in a month's time!

The GB2 is the most advanced, with beautiful long colas forming....
day 61 GB2 1.JPG

Her main cola is already full of bud, so I'm looking forward to seeing what she will deliver in 3-4 weeks time.....
day 61 GB2 2.JPG

As a group, they fill the 1.4m² wide space nicely although I think GB1 could use the tent all to herself.
day 61 group.JPG

clockwise from top: GB1, GB2, CJ

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy what's left of the weekend!
Hey stoners!

Hope you are all good.

It's day 72 and I'm still having trouble with the Cinderella Jack, I've tried lowering the EC right down to 0.8 and keeping the pH at 5.8 as much as possible, but she is only gonna give me an ounce or two at the most.

day 72 CJ 1.JPG

She is flowering, but very slowly..... it's day 72 and this is her main cola....

day 72 CJ 2.JPG

Looking at that, I'd expect her to go on for a good few weeks. Those thick white pistils look very young, so I'm hoping there's time for her to fatten out a bit. It's gonna be a struggle to keep her going that long, but I'm hoping it will be worth the effort.

The Glueberries are going very well.....
GB1 is the big one.

day 72 GB1 1.JPG

Not as big as in the last post because I gave her a really good clearout, chopping away heaps of thin stems and wispy flowers that were clogging her up. That was about a week ago, then unfortunately, I was away for a couple of days and when I got back, she was as dry as Nun's knickers and quite a few leaves had gone yellow, so she needed a bit of TLC.

Now she's in mid flower, there are so many long stems all full of bud, and she has the potential to really fill out.

day 72 GB1 2.JPG

I expect her to go close to 100 days.

GB2 on the other hand is near to finishing....

day 72 GB2 1.JPG

She is in the final couple of weeks, again, I've given her a good trim down below to allow her to concentrate on filling out those chunky colas.

day 72 GB2 2.JPG

Lots of upturned edges to my leaves with this grow. Heat stress..... I have been struggling with temps..... it's Summer and I'm in the sub tropics, daytime temps are in the mid 30's, so I have to run the aircon almost constantly to get the grow room down to 24°-25°Cs, then inside the tent it gets to 28°-30°C at 'soil' level..... Shiva only knows what it's like at canopy level.

I have raised the lights to maximum today in another attempt to lower the temps around the plant a degree or so. I have 6" Hyperfans on the intake and extraction, and they are both on about 50%.... pretty loud, and I have constant tinnitus.

Looking at the tent as a whole, not looking too bad, been better though.

day 72 group.JPG

GB1 at the back with CJ and GB2 in front

Thinking ahead, I have ordered 2 bags of Coco, and re-stocked my additives. I wanna get some seedlings on the go ASAP.

On the potential grow list are Pineapple Express (Fastbuds) - of which I have one seed left - a really tasty, strong smoke, also Dutch Passion's Night Queen (still my favourite puff) and of course a couple of Glueberries!

Cindy Jack has put me off a bit, I'm gonna have to look around for some other people's grows and see where I went wrong.

I'm also hoping for cooler temps. The rainy season is on it's way so a few cyclones will hit these parts. Looks like the water tank will be full of lovely fresh EC 0 water in no time!

Next update should be just before harvest time for the GB2 - see you then!
It's not been long since the last update, but it's the weekend, this brings us fully up to date, and I wont' get another chance for a week or so.....

It's day 41 and here they are...
View attachment 847825
clockwise from top left GB1, GB2, CJ1 and CJ2

A closer look at Glueberry 1 shows she's started stretch and is in early flower, hopefully all those lower bud tips should bulk up.
View attachment 847823

Glueberry 2 is also starting to stretch, I haven't staked her out as I just wanted to keep it simple and just remove a few large fan leaves here and there to expose the tips.
View attachment 847824

Cinderella Jack 1 is a big bushy girl, not as advanced in flowering compared to the Glueberries, but she seems to bee concentrating on growing heaps of tips and sideshoots. Early flowers are there, but no stretching just yet.
View attachment 847827

Cindy Jack 2 is 2 weeks younger than the rest, so day 27. I've noticed this before when I have grown an extra plant a couple of weeks after some others.... the young 'un starts flowering earlier. This one is doing the same, so I am trying to keep her in veg as long as possible before she stops growing. Basically I have increased Nitrogen Boost to 0.5ml/L.
View attachment 847826

That's it for this week, hope you are all having a lovely stoney weekend!

Great observation I started running perpetual and yea they play another game with a tent full of ages :biggrin: :pass: I think they just sensce that the others are ready and they need to speak up to catch any love dust ,,,!!!!that's my thinking anyways :coffee: lovely growing :drool:
Hey stoners!

Hope you are all good.

It's day 72 and I'm still having trouble with the Cinderella Jack, I've tried lowering the EC right down to 0.8 and keeping the pH at 5.8 as much as possible, but she is only gonna give me an ounce or two at the most.

View attachment 861690

She is flowering, but very slowly..... it's day 72 and this is her main cola....

View attachment 861691

Looking at that, I'd expect her to go on for a good few weeks. Those thick white pistils look very young, so I'm hoping there's time for her to fatten out a bit. It's gonna be a struggle to keep her going that long, but I'm hoping it will be worth the effort.

The Glueberries are going very well.....
GB1 is the big one.

View attachment 861692

Not as big as in the last post because I gave her a really good clearout, chopping away heaps of thin stems and wispy flowers that were clogging her up. That was about a week ago, then unfortunately, I was away for a couple of days and when I got back, she was as dry as Nun's knickers and quite a few leaves had gone yellow, so she needed a bit of TLC.

Now she's in mid flower, there are so many long stems all full of bud, and she has the potential to really fill out.

View attachment 861693

I expect her to go close to 100 days.

GB2 on the other hand is near to finishing....

View attachment 861694

She is in the final couple of weeks, again, I've given her a good trim down below to allow her to concentrate on filling out those chunky colas.

View attachment 861695

Lots of upturned edges to my leaves with this grow. Heat stress..... I have been struggling with temps..... it's Summer and I'm in the sub tropics, daytime temps are in the mid 30's, so I have to run the aircon almost constantly to get the grow room down to 24°-25°Cs, then inside the tent it gets to 28°-30°C at 'soil' level..... Shiva only knows what it's like at canopy level.

I have raised the lights to maximum today in another attempt to lower the temps around the plant a degree or so. I have 6" Hyperfans on the intake and extraction, and they are both on about 50%.... pretty loud, and I have constant tinnitus.

Looking at the tent as a whole, not looking too bad, been better though.

View attachment 861696
GB1 at the back with CJ and GB2 in front

Thinking ahead, I have ordered 2 bags of Coco, and re-stocked my additives. I wanna get some seedlings on the go ASAP.

On the potential grow list are Pineapple Express (Fastbuds) - of which I have one seed left - a really tasty, strong smoke, also Dutch Passion's Night Queen (still my favourite puff) and of course a couple of Glueberries!

Cindy Jack has put me off a bit, I'm gonna have to look around for some other people's grows and see where I went wrong.

I'm also hoping for cooler temps. The rainy season is on it's way so a few cyclones will hit these parts. Looks like the water tank will be full of lovely fresh EC 0 water in no time!

Next update should be just before harvest time for the GB2 - see you then!
Great update brother!

It may have been better but you sure have smashed it up there man.

I think the EC 0 water really helps getting really big flowers like you do but you also need the high skill level brother which you have in spades[emoji113]
Hey stoners!

Hope you are all good.

It's day 72 and I'm still having trouble with the Cinderella Jack, I've tried lowering the EC right down to 0.8 and keeping the pH at 5.8 as much as possible, but she is only gonna give me an ounce or two at the most.

View attachment 861690

She is flowering, but very slowly..... it's day 72 and this is her main cola....

View attachment 861691

Looking at that, I'd expect her to go on for a good few weeks. Those thick white pistils look very young, so I'm hoping there's time for her to fatten out a bit. It's gonna be a struggle to keep her going that long, but I'm hoping it will be worth the effort.

The Glueberries are going very well.....
GB1 is the big one.

View attachment 861692

Not as big as in the last post because I gave her a really good clearout, chopping away heaps of thin stems and wispy flowers that were clogging her up. That was about a week ago, then unfortunately, I was away for a couple of days and when I got back, she was as dry as Nun's knickers and quite a few leaves had gone yellow, so she needed a bit of TLC.

Now she's in mid flower, there are so many long stems all full of bud, and she has the potential to really fill out.

View attachment 861693

I expect her to go close to 100 days.

GB2 on the other hand is near to finishing....

View attachment 861694

She is in the final couple of weeks, again, I've given her a good trim down below to allow her to concentrate on filling out those chunky colas.

View attachment 861695

Lots of upturned edges to my leaves with this grow. Heat stress..... I have been struggling with temps..... it's Summer and I'm in the sub tropics, daytime temps are in the mid 30's, so I have to run the aircon almost constantly to get the grow room down to 24°-25°Cs, then inside the tent it gets to 28°-30°C at 'soil' level..... Shiva only knows what it's like at canopy level.

I have raised the lights to maximum today in another attempt to lower the temps around the plant a degree or so. I have 6" Hyperfans on the intake and extraction, and they are both on about 50%.... pretty loud, and I have constant tinnitus.

Looking at the tent as a whole, not looking too bad, been better though.

View attachment 861696
GB1 at the back with CJ and GB2 in front

Thinking ahead, I have ordered 2 bags of Coco, and re-stocked my additives. I wanna get some seedlings on the go ASAP.

On the potential grow list are Pineapple Express (Fastbuds) - of which I have one seed left - a really tasty, strong smoke, also Dutch Passion's Night Queen (still my favourite puff) and of course a couple of Glueberries!

Cindy Jack has put me off a bit, I'm gonna have to look around for some other people's grows and see where I went wrong.

I'm also hoping for cooler temps. The rainy season is on it's way so a few cyclones will hit these parts. Looks like the water tank will be full of lovely fresh EC 0 water in no time!

Next update should be just before harvest time for the GB2 - see you then!

full of information and amazing grow teetee man. GB1 might even go 110 days. what is pot size?.
20 Litre Airpots @Taipan mate. Start to finish. I used to start off in 5L airpots and transfer to 20L after 25-28 days, but started getting clumsy and causing transplant shock. When it works, it works really well, gives them a real boost just before they flower.

Cheers @otuaflower I'm gonna start holding her big stems out and apart, using yoyos, and really get the Skyline light deep inside her. Thanks for the rep points Brother!

Thanks also to @hairyman and @orrganic for the rep points as well. I really appreciate them Guys! Good growing karma to you all!
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