Dutch Passion Dutch Passion AutoXtreme : by KO in DWC under FERO LED's

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Ok I will rise EC + use some tap water as buffer and add more additives

i know you probably spent a small fortune on nutrients but you probably should have bought gh flora as they are better for r/o water

good luck and i hope you find a soloution
i know you probably spent a small fortune on nutrients but you probably should have bought gh flora as they are better for r/o water
Really strange thing that I hadn't this issue the first time (actually I had it but only in the begin). I think it is airstone+low solution = WTF PH. Thanks for your advice.
BTW Genesis Nutrient are also for soft water and I really like your result with. Is'nt it a good one for RO
Professional nutrient solution imported directly from USA. Genesis nutrients consistently yield stunning results. We have been selling this for several years now and it remains one of our favourites. Be sure to order all 3 parts as they work in combination with one another. Universal formulation for hard and soft water.
Just checked ec of my tap water and it is 0.8 I would really not like to use this dirty water instead of RO..... :no:
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yeah you can use genesis with r/o water and hard water, i didnt wanna advise using them though as i hadnt seen any results unlike the gh nutrients their are more people using them in hydro with soft water

if i set my ph to where i want it it stays bang on the button, you do have choices though i just dont think canna nutrients was the best option for your setup but im not saying it wont produce results it could be more hassle than its worth chasing the ph

like i said their are loads of hydro growers using reverse osmosis water but you dont see hardly any of them using canna aqua purely because its designed for hard water

Thanks for your help and assistance, master :). I'm sure I'll find something :) , will make a res change today we would see what we get.
BTW when you use genesis your EC is like 1.8-2.0 what could be a possible solution for RO water without buffer.
use the canna calculator as your guideline click me, type in all your details and select wether you wanna light feed/normal feed/ agressive feed and it will give you your ec/ppm amounts

if you use that as you basic guidline you shouldnt be far off, its also better to have you feed regime worked out in advance before your grow, so if you plan on a 10 week grow write down what you want your ec/ppm's to be on each week etc etc

once you have done a few grows it will become 2nd nature on how to act and respond to the plants behaviour

0.8 for 3 weeks ???

when i do it and set the background ec to 0.1 and normal feed it gives me 1.2 ec for your current stage of growth
EC is 0 in RO.
Oops it was light feed that I had chosen (not normal) as I add additives. And my ph/ec (EC not calibrated) pen is not calibrated yet, maybe thats why it give me 0.8
I will follow your advice and make ec 1. Thank you :thumbs:
Excuse me for my misleading communication.
Hope that you get the res and ec issue sorted Ko, they are looking nice so far and being a 12 week auto you got some time to play...
Thanks I hope everything will go fine from now on, SB is helping a lot :booya:

Made fresh res (cannazym 40,silica 7,cal/mag 15,superthrive 3,rizotonic 55+-3*,canna aqua a+b 60, tap water 8l+-1,20l ro water,ph-7+-1*) = 0.2(tap water) + 0.15(additives) + 0.95(nutrients)= 1.3 EC ,PH 5.7. I really hope she can handle it.
What an dumb ass am I, now I need 7ml of ph- to drop ph by 1.1 , before I had enough with 2 or 4 drops. Solution must be much stable now. Will let it bubble for about 12hours +-2 to see what will it be. :howdy: