Dutch Passion Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG, Coco and Canna Nutes

Feb 8, 2018
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Hello everyone. I have been stalking this site and you growers on here for a while now, learning so much in the process and for that I am very thankful!! The growers I would specifically like to thank as their grows are the ones I’ve took so much from are @TaNg @Wile e Peyote @seymour-buds @A-Train @Bailey and there’s more I know but can’t think off the top of my head! ‍♂️

I have grown photoperiods many times over the years, with fairly decent results, but this is my first ever attempt at Autos. It is also my first grow using an EC meter too.

I am growing in Canna Coco professional using 18L pots. I have 2 x 600W HPS lights (with dimmable digital ballasts) at my disposal for when they are bigger.
Not quite sure of my square footage of space (never measured it). I have constructed a grow room in an Attic using Kingspan/Celotex. I have a 6” extraction fan with a 6” Rhino Carbon filter and I’m using the negative pressure made from this to draw in my fresh intake air through 2 x computer type fans.

I would like to introduce to you my first ever grow journal. 7 x DP Auto Glueberry OG’s.
(Currently on Day 22 so I will upload a few pics from earlier on). Please be gentle people!

I started on a 1/4 strength feed of Rhizotonic and Canna Coco A and B. The EC was about 0.8 I think. Ph 5.8.

Not sure what day to call this?

I’m going with.......

Day 3



Here’s a few pics but I can tell you all 7 popped their heads up .

Day 7

After battling with extremely low RH and poor temperature control in my grow room, they hadn’t had the best start in life. Not what you want with Auto’s I’ve read!!
A few more pics....







So out of the 7 seeds, 1 seemed a bit mutated and another extremely slow compared to the rest. You will see what I mean better as the grow continues. Not the best start but hey I’m here for the long run!

Day 9

Looking slightly better. Finally getting a hold on those temps and ended up buying a humidifier for good old Amazon!




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Still trying to find my feet in my new grow room with the environment and these Auto’s. That coupled with sussing out how to upload and update my journal. Hopefully I’m not boring you lot too much (has anyone even seen this anyway?) .

Day 15

Things looking not too bad...
Day 17

Things not looking as good as I wanted them too. The leaves needed to be a lot darker I thought. I was thinking that I maybe had the light a little too close, so I lifted the light a couple of inches. (By the way I had forgot to mention that the light was on its 400W setting and I was using a MH bulb).
A few pictures of the girls.....



I was still feeding at 1/4 strength Rhizotonic, canna coco A and B and a touch of AN Cal Mag plus. EC 1.0 Ph 5.8.
I have since asked the question to a grower more knowledgable than myself (you will know who you are if you see this so thanks again) and they said that maybe it’s more a case of slightly underfed on the nutes rather than the light being too low.
Anyone have any ideas why my pictures are uploading sideways?
Day 21

After finally pulling myself round after a day on the sauce yesterday (a fine win for my Black and Whites!!!) , my grow room was a bit on the hot side. Touching 90F!!!
Girls were looking a bit better but not quite as green as I would have liked. I am taking the advice of the very knowledgeable grower and upping the strength of my Base nutes. What sort of EC would my fellow growers be looking for around the 21 day mark. I appreciate all strains are different etc.
A couple of pics.....
This last photo is of the Mutant. Glad I stuck it out!!!
Hey blackanwhite. You had a very bad start if im aloud to say so but it sure looks like you have getting back on track. Girls are looking great now :cheers:
Me, i think im around 1.2 in ec around day 20-22. The color of you girls, is it natural or do you have a light on?
Subbed up dude can't help you on the ppm but with auto's if i remember right I'm usually on about 1.5 to 1.75 per ml of base nutes by that age also with rhizontonic you can start off on 2 ml per ltr helps the roots a bit more [emoji106]

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Hey blackanwhite. You had a very bad start if im aloud to say so but it sure looks like you have getting back on track. Girls are looking great now :cheers:
Me, i think im around 1.2 in ec around day 20-22. The color of you girls, is it natural or do you have a light on?

Thanks for the reply Rambo and all criticism is good [emoji1303]. The light I have on whilst taking the photographs is the Metal Halide. I will try and take some today in natural light to get a better idea of the shade of green.

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