Indoor durbanpoisoner's first ever coco grow


Cultivators Club
Jun 15, 2021
Reaction score
Better late than never. I had some pictures in the mephisto thread but figured I should just create a thread here. Currently on day 30. Flowering initiated about four days ago for the three plants.

Genetics: Mephisto freebie (SS x CDLC) x (FS x SW), Forum Stomper and 3BOG.
Medium: Coco + Perlite, 3 gallon fabric pots
Nutrients: Canna A+B, rhizotonic, GH calmag and just introduced green leaf sweet candy.

Here are some day 30 pics. Left to right freebie, forum stomper, 3bog. Did some mild defoliation and additional LST on 3BOG to open it up a bit more. The tent is...quite full now. I fear for my height. Had some issues to start with coco but I think I have it dialed in pretty okay right now. It's more work than soil when doing manual watering but the yields are looking to be significantly greater than when I did my soil grows with FFOF and fox farms nutes. But perhaps that was just inexperience.




Day 32. The tent feels full. All ladies drinking a lot with the girl on the left drinking the most. Running at 1.3-1.4EC. Reduce canna AB nutes from 10ml/gal to 8ml/gal and added 0.8g/gal (will be going up to 1g/gal soon) of greenleaf nutrients sweet candy.

I love coco.

Day 37. The stretch continues. Back up to 10ml/gal canna A+B, 1g/gal sweet candy and 5ml/gal calmag. All girls taking that just fine. Did a little PH water flush on the right girl and the leaves perked up after. I think I had a bit of a salt buildup there. Other than that, more of the same.

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Plants look really nice. You're gonnnnnnna need a bigger tent!
Plants look really nice. You're gonnnnnnna need a bigger tent!

Thanks man. Gotta give it to growing in coco and canna for their A+B nutes and rhizotonic. Been really pleased with that stuff. Been keeping everything green so far. I also did what I thought was an aggressive defoliation on the left girl and it looks like I did nothing. Just taking off some more leaves here and there if they're blocking bud sites. She is really bushy. I may do a little defoliation on the right girl in the coming week.
I've never tried canna nutes, I use Floraflex these days, and I don't really have plans to change unless they go out of business. I see that a lot of people like the canna stuff though.
Day 42. Increased sweet candy to 2g/gal. EC is creeping up there at around 1.8. Still running 10ml/gal of the A+B and 5ml/gal calmag. Watching how the girls react. Got some wind burn on the top cola of the left girl so I moved the fan to blow from beneath the canopy. Having some humidity issues but still okay. I think I may need to buy a second fan to blow across the top of the canopy and perhaps a mini dehumidifier if I'm still fighting the humidity as we get into mid flower. Buds looking good so far. 3BOG on the right has the most frost on the sugar leaves. Stems on the FS are prickly and the freebie girl on the left is lagging, but she's been a bit behind the entire time. Right now it looks like 3BOG and FS should finish around the same time, another month or so. Freebie I'm expecting to go a few weeks longer.

Did some additional defoliation. I wouldn't normally do this much defoliation, but the two on the edges are really bushy and I don't need the extra humidity when push comes to shove.

Day 44. Tried to bend down the main cola a bit of the girl on the left. Doing 2g/gal of sweet candy at this point. On a general note, I'm getting concerned about the amount of condensation I'm seeing on the leaves as well as general humidity concerns. I think I could probably benefit from a little dehumidifier but I might be better off with a second fan blowing across of the canopy. Thoughts?

Plants look nice.

I use a couple of these on the tent floor blowing up into the canopies to distribute air upwards. In addition to whatever fans I have overhead. Never had a mold issue and I had some crazy low temps and high RH over the winter.

Amazon product

As far as a dehumidifier, it all depends on how well your exhaust can pull humidity out of the tent I suppose. As well as your temps.

I did use a Midea Cube dehumidifier for awhile last year and it was really cool. But once you hit a certain low temp in the winter, if you ever do, a dehumidifier stops pulling moisture out. Of course you would want want to dehumidify the entire room, not the tent.

Amazon product
Nothing new here. Day 48. Stretch continues especially for girl on the left. Running out of vertical space and right quick. May have to make some adjustments if it keeps it up. Other than that, same nutes. 10ml/gal A, 10ml/gal B, 5ml/gal calmag, 2g/gal sweet candy. All three are starting to smell a bit except for girl on the left who's a little more behind in the timeline. Everything looks okay otherwise. I think I need another fan blowing across the top. Moving the fan I had to below has helped, but I think I need more airflow. Any thoughts welcomed and appreciated.
