New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

I just wanted to push them some. Nothing happened at first so i kept it up. Then it all went to work at once. BAM, lol. Math, not today... i think flush and maybe scrape some soil out. I don't want to disturb the top roots.
Heres what we did. Removed, gently, some soil from the top half inch or so.

Then put a fresh layer of soil down and ran over a gallon of tap water thru them and let it drain. The tap sat out overnight to get rid of some chlorine. Put them back in tent. Neville looked liked is was suffering less but light green. The COB'S could be bleaching it some so i dialed back the intensity a bit. Light at 22 inches.
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I'm sorry about all this. I wish u all the best and also wish I can help out but I don't know much. I'm Still learning. I had to leave town baby got sick and I left plants unattended for dayz. Hoping I still have something left of them when I get back but don't think so. I may have to start over. Like I said I wish you the best.

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You have to take care of the family first! I bet Neville surprises you. I messed up my grow, take full responsibility. Tried too much not knowing what i am doing. Neville is tough.
How many days will you be away?
3 dayz left in a hurry and Ieft the fan pulling hot air out off. And I know she's very dry by now but I'm done talking about it on your page . you have a lot going on. I just wanted you to know I care. I will keep you informed.

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