New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

Its getting Neville haze now too. Seems to still be spreading. Dammit!
Well, I see burnt tips on the leaves, you may be overdoing it there, my brother.

As far as drying it out, yes it could have a caustic effect, technically, and will at least suffer out the microbial life you want. I guess you're using recharge so you're ramping the soil life back up anyways.

I think you need to back off the teas and flush instead. You may be stacking too many inputs now, can lead to a bigger cascade of problems. I thought the 2.5 lbs of KS sounded like plenty of fuel for fire buds, man, and sativas/hazes are not likely to want heavy N in flower anyway. I think you have a lock out from too many inputs.
I was thinking that the dry nutes were finally working, too well, and messed up. Drinking is slow for sure. Ok, will get a lot of water thru them.

Should I add recharge after the flush?

I really appreciate your time medi!
Hey man, I wish I had more answers. That's why I love this site. I've always enjoyed visiting the infirmary threads because a guy can learn a lot about problem solving in there. Waira would really want to know the ph of your soil at this point...but he's been testing KS too so he's familiar with for the recharge, I've never used it, I know it's got kelp and humics in there, and those might be stacking on your problem, so I'm not sure I'd do that man. I have Great White here, it's just bennies without the extra nutes, you might rotate recharge with something like that.

Wish I knew what else to tell ya, but I'm not the one you should ask...I'd definitely post some pics and info in the infirmary though, and tag in Waira and probably EyesOnFire.

The dry nutes you used, are they in the top layer of soil? Maybe you can remove it and replace with normal soil?
I noticed the burnt tips too. I thought I saw some clawing on one of the pics you posted today, as well. Did you end up feeding or watering at all yesterday?

Regardless of what's truly going on there, I have to say they are both fattening up rather nicely!!!!! What's the actual time frame the breeders give from seed to harvest?
I didn't know that the recharge had food too, daym im stoopid! Thought it was all bennies.

Will is screw up roots if i remove soil? It was all just sprinkled one the top, then watered.

I have 4 to 5 weeks left. I could just soak the bottom of the bags in the sink. Would that substitute for a flush? No soil meter either.

Waira looked at her in a different thread. Ive put so much in there its a mess! Lol, i needa smoke. Haven't had one yet today.
Would overfeeding cause the lower leaves to yellow though? I do NOT think you're stupid at all... I DO think you need a smoke/ daaaaaaab break. And whatever it is, it's fixable. Can you try to get a soil pH tomorrow?


I love visiting the infirmary too @MediScrogs ! Waira is awesome!!! What did he say?
Hmm, well I'd go with Waira whatever he suggested.

If the top dress is not too deep, you can try to remove it gently.

Otherwise, just chill man, rinse them out and I don't think you need any more inputs in addition to the kind soil. We're you just winging that, or did someone suggest you add more? The KS is beefy enough I think