New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

My page is yours my friend! 3 days is fine, she may like it. You can always give some extra water before you leave if you need to go again.

I think my girls will be ok. Very tough plants
Hey Bro, just caught up on this thread, wow, sorry to see whatever you have going on.... was looking good.

I am sure all will be well, getting far more experienced advise than I can give.

"Trust the Force".... it's strong in here. This may help.... :karmacloud: :slap: :karmacloud:
Thanks @Frogster ! I came here because of my mistakes and stayed because of the great people. As long as i learn i am pleased. Plus i need a good run because I am ready for another try at extraction.

I have been giggling all day because I am helping in the infirmary too! Thats priceless



drinking wine.gif


Yeah, im trying to forget that. Im tired, ready for a break. Going to visit my brother inlaw next week, i hope! We gonna be partying.

Problem is that he lives in savannah ga, may get nailed by the hurricane. Its a great town, ugghhhh