New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

The reason I had asked about during the week or weekend, was to determine if it had started to yellow after going a certain amount of time without the recharge given on Sundays or the other nutrients you had been giving on Wednesdays. 10 days would make me think it started to look hungry right before you were getting ready to feed on a Wednesday. Meaning I think she just needs fed more frequently than once a week. I have a feeling I didn't make much sense there explaining where I was going with it...
I think that my friend let her go bone dry, idk why at least a week ago. He dont need good smoke! He is getting forgetful, lol

The reason I had asked about during the week or weekend, was to determine if it had started to yellow after going a certain amount of time without the recharge given on Sundays or the other nutrients you had been giving on Wednesdays. 10 days would make me think it started to look hungry right before you were getting ready to feed on a Wednesday. Meaning I think she just needs fed more frequently than once a week. I have a feeling I didn't make much sense there explaining where I was going with it...

Eye is correct. That's WAY too little. Feeding/watering once a week. That's your problem for sure. Its probably why she's yellow overall. Even using Silica you will see this if not fed/watered as much as you should. It will help for sure but its more for strength against temp/rH ranges out of their comfort zone... Ex: High heat/colder temps. But there's nothing to help against infrequent feeding/watering. At least as far as I know... And we know that's not very far! ROFL!
Lol, i was stoned! They get water daily or every second day. The extras were given weekly in addition to the kindsoil. I tried to space the extra stuff out to minimize and over feeding issue

That'd be me using the KIS soil. I used the premixed bag this time at 80% strength with a 50% top layer to tier into. It's my Portal Bud Blast run. It's performing very well so far...

I haven't tried any Kind Soil yet, I guess I'm surprised you have had to add any additional nutes to it as I think people are reporting it to be fairly rich.

And with the yellowing you have other leaves alongside that look richly dark green, I wouldn't suspect underfeeding but I'm generally not the person to ask as I truly don't know :haha:.

I'd take some fresh, whole plant pics and tag Master Waira, Esquire ... AND EyesOnFire and ask them to check the pics for feedback. Not saying any previous advice is incorrect, btw. Maybe more input from those guys would help nail down what this is.

Did you cut the KS, or use as directed? :peace:
Could I have let the soil get too dry and caustic? It did get waaaayyy dry once.
Yes 2.5 lbs in a 3 gallon bag, same as my last grow.

I was really just trying to push the soil. Thanks medi! I hope to get pics tonight or tomorrow. Put my first ewc tea on them a couple days ago.