New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune


Day 61, amnesia


Day 59, unhappy nirvana lemon haze of. Not sure but has been a bit over watered. Plus, I got a serious buzz going tonight. More pics tomorrow
Day 58 and 56. No sex on the amnesia yet, going to keep reducing lights on time.

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That big plant right there?? That's a WoS NLxBB; one of the more popular strains that's out, however, after 43 days of no-sex-shows, I decided to flip her.. Most people don't have that kind of leverage, so I decided to start some bag-seed Tangerine Dreams 2 weeks before this.. Vegged a bit and then 12/12.. Took about a week before she showed sex, but still turned out that out of 5 NLxBB seeds, 1 was a photo-pheno..

Even the best breeders have some genetic nuances and it's kind of a "normal distribution", statistically speaking, with regards to how many seeds of NLxBB there are out there!! I've grown out over a dozen of them over the last few years, and this one is the only poor specimen of a feminized autoflower.. Plant still yielded great; smell and strength were top notch!!!

I just had to sacrifice my entire grow area for 2 months to finish her.. I had come along that far, no-way I was chopping her early!!!

And the Tangie, you ask?? She came out beautifully!! So much so, that I'm mad I never tried to take any clones.. C'est la vie!!!!

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That big plant right there?? That's a WoS NLxBB; one of the more popular strains that's out, however, after 43 days of no-sex-shows, I decided to flip her.. Most people don't have that kind of leverage, so I decided to start some bag-seed Tangerine Dreams 2 weeks before this.. Vegged a bit and then 12/12.. Took about a week before she showed sex, but still turned out that out of 5 NLxBB seeds, 1 was a photo-pheno..

Even the best breeders have some genetic nuances and it's kind of a "normal distribution", statistically speaking, with regards to how many seeds of NLxBB there are out there!! I've grown out over a dozen of them over the last few years, and this one is the only poor specimen of a feminized autoflower.. Plant still yielded great; smell and strength were top notch!!!

I just had to sacrifice my entire grow area for 2 months to finish her.. I had come along that far, no-way I was chopping her early!!!

And the Tangie, you ask?? She came out beautifully!! So much so, that I'm mad I never tried to take any clones.. C'est la vie!!!!

View attachment 924802
That is a beautiful plant! I'm hoping that mine will do the same, just a little longer on the other to finish and its going to be given a chance.
Another update, reduced light again, 15 on now to finish the other plant. Its building buds even though the leaf are getting toasted by the new light. But the buds are solid, very solid! Got and interesting thing happening to the amnesia which still doesn't have pistils. Some leaf have dimples, never seen this. Probably light but not sure. Its getting tons of bloom feeds, bitch gets what it gets! Any ideas?
Another update, reduced light again, 15 on now to finish the other plant. Its building buds even though the leaf are getting toasted by the new light. But the buds are solid, very solid! Got and interesting thing happening to the amnesia which still doesn't have pistils. Some leaf have dimples, never seen this. Probably light but not sure. Its getting tons of bloom feeds, bitch gets what it gets! Any ideas?View attachment 929200 View attachment 929201 View attachment 929202 View attachment 929203
That is "Leaf Galls" that your seeing on that plant! Nothing to worry about, the insect is probably long gone by now! hahahaha I know ya had gnat problems, so that could of easily caused that, not unusual at all...I've encountered that several times, dealing with pests.

What are Leaf Galls
Leaf galls are a frightening sight but are not usually as serious as they appear. These bumps and deformities are usually the results of feeding by insects or some other foreign organism such as bacteria, fungi, mites, nematodes, and even viruses. Whatever the original cause, these organisms are usually not still on the plant leaf. The gall itself is actually the plant’s response to the irritation. It’s like the bump you get when an insect feeds on you, expect the leaf gall is not going to go away.
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That is "Leaf Galls" that your seeing on that plant! Nothing to worry about, the insect is probably long gone by now! hahahaha I know ya had gnat problems, so that could of easily caused that, not unusual at all...I've encountered that several times, dealing with pests.

What are Leaf Galls
Leaf galls are a frightening sight but are not usually as serious as they appear. These bumps and deformities are usually the results of feeding by insects or some other foreign organism such as bacteria, fungi, mites, nematodes, and even viruses. Whatever the original cause, these organisms are usually not still on the plant leaf. The gall itself is actually the plant’s response to the irritation. It’s like the bump you get when an insect feeds on you, expect the leaf gall is not going to go away.
Could it be light irritating the plant? The new light is strong! It's going to be nuts if it ever blooms
View attachment 924800

That big plant right there?? That's a WoS NLxBB; one of the more popular strains that's out, however, after 43 days of no-sex-shows, I decided to flip her.. Most people don't have that kind of leverage, so I decided to start some bag-seed Tangerine Dreams 2 weeks before this.. Vegged a bit and then 12/12.. Took about a week before she showed sex, but still turned out that out of 5 NLxBB seeds, 1 was a photo-pheno..

Even the best breeders have some genetic nuances and it's kind of a "normal distribution", statistically speaking, with regards to how many seeds of NLxBB there are out there!! I've grown out over a dozen of them over the last few years, and this one is the only poor specimen of a feminized autoflower.. Plant still yielded great; smell and strength were top notch!!!

I just had to sacrifice my entire grow area for 2 months to finish her.. I had come along that far, no-way I was chopping her early!!!

And the Tangie, you ask?? She came out beautifully!! So much so, that I'm mad I never tried to take any clones.. C'est la vie!!!!

View attachment 924802
looks like dense bud ball!
Another update, reduced light again, 15 on now to finish the other plant. Its building buds even though the leaf are getting toasted by the new light. But the buds are solid, very solid! Got and interesting thing happening to the amnesia which still doesn't have pistils. Some leaf have dimples, never seen this. Probably light but not sure. Its getting tons of bloom feeds, bitch gets what it gets! Any ideas?View attachment 929200 View attachment 929201 View attachment 929202 View attachment 929203
never seen dimples, but doesn't surprise me, but what would a grow be without some inexplicable funk?