New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

looks tasty and mmm lemon.
good luck.
i think dry sift/kief,hash its got to many words for it.i like to keep it as dust for added sprinkles so to speak.i just find it easier worked with than making a block,i do sometimes but bloddy hard work it is.
keep er lit.
I think the sprinkles may be the way to go. Much easier to smoke that way. I've never grown nirvana seeds, and this sativa looked like a great one to try!
A little update on the nirvana. Seed started really deformed but is growing out of it. Day 23, will watch this one.

looking nice n healthy :thumbsup:
are the pots sitting in a tub of sponge ?
Its sand. We have been battling bugs for months and these plastic pots have holes in the bottom so I fill the trays with sand. Hard to determine watering needs but the bugs are almost gone. It's been at least a six month fight.

I happy, the Nirvana was really deformed early on but seems to be growing out of it.
Fed a tea of kelp, insect frass and a ful-humic acid. I'm experimenting and learning!
Busy with work but it's good to have work I guess lol and my jars are getting empty so bout time to grow me some more meds !!! Gonna run straight mega Crop on this one with walmart soil lol

It’s funny you said this. Seeing dudeski’s problems with bugs had me consider the same thing. I know for a fact that every time I had bugs they came from the fresh batch of soil. I was going to google the ingredients in promix and see if I could build my own. Probably save a bunch of money too considering Walmart ships in larger quantities than the local shop.