New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

The CJ is loaded with seeds. Looking forward to seeing how the cross turns out. The auto euphoria is slow developing buds but there should be a lot of them! She has between 30 and 50 days left. Going to be a chore keeping my grow buddy in check. I cant hide the smoke from him.... or can I?
Hmm Nitrogen deficiency?! Hey dude, nice to see you still going strong.
Great to see you back druid! Not sure, a lot of lowers yellowed too. More than likely mag due to a new cob recently added. Will see.
She got both, maybe one will work. Shes is drinking heavily now
Day 82, trich still clear on CJ. Need to harvest her soon because i have to go out of town in about a week. Eating fans and getting over wateted by my grobro. But she is loaded with seeds!


Auto Euphoria is building buds now at a good pace. She may take a while to finish but its ok. Hopefully I will be able to learn about using guano with her. So far she it taking the feed well. Will be using guano every other week.