New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

My biggest problem is that i cant really put anything outside, so they did the nasty in the tent! I am going to give a selective dusting to the euphoria, very small amount! Not sure the pollen will stay fresh past it. Only need a couple weeks. Then, i can go for a male next year and try this again.

Hmm i do recall some guys saying they have been able to keep dry pollen (frozen i think?) viable for several months(up to 6 if i am recalling correctly). Most important thing is the pollen must be kept super dry. Remember bud...a branch cut close to the nuts formed could be put in a vase of water on a plate in front of a window...heck you might even be able to get away with a defoliated branch(have to try!!) I might piss around with a few selective breeds this winter for fun. Autoultimate X Cindy Jack sounds crazy good!!
Hmm i do recall some guys saying they have been able to keep dry pollen (frozen i think?) viable for several months(up to 6 if i am recalling correctly). Most important thing is the pollen must be kept super dry. Remember bud...a branch cut close to the nuts formed could be put in a vase of water on a plate in front of a window...heck you might even be able to get away with a defoliated branch(have to try!!) I might piss around with a few selective breeds this winter for fun. Autoultimate X Cindy Jack sounds crazy good!!
Thats how i collected a bunch, water in a glass on a plate. But it was too late, the boys just couldn't wait! My dumb add just didn't know what I was doing. Lol, its,all good ,just got to grow cindy again.
cheers DK!, I got Lots of seed from Sugar Baker by dusting just 2 mid plant branch tips, at least 50 mature seeds, plenty to grow forward with
cheers DK!, I got Lots of seed from Sugar Baker by dusting just 2 mid plant branch tips, at least 50 mature seeds, plenty to grow forward with
How long did you let the plant/seeds go until harvest? Normal time like all the others. When the plant says its ready?
How long did you let the plant/seeds go until harvest? Normal time like all the others. When the plant says its ready?
must have been a little over a month, I would have let her go longer but a little spot of rot showed so I harvested. There were quite a few immature seeds, but most were done
must have been a little over a month, I would have let her go longer but a little spot of rot showed so I harvested. There were quite a few immature seeds, but most were done
Thanks trail! Mine is inside and we are going to try and let it mature as much as possible. I think it has been at least 2 weeks so far since it developed bud site of any size.
Want to sdd that i used some bat guano on the girls last night, my first time using it. will continue and switch to seabird guano for bloom. Still top dressing and not bubbling to brew it.
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