New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

I was really surprised when i was spinning it around to tie up some branches and heard something drop. Found 2 others, looked immature but ive saved them. The satellites are getting extremely heavy now too. Its got several weeks to go so I justt have to be careful.


Yup! I always give em a good squeeze... They crumble if they aren't good and viable. :thumbsup: But immature ones can be rock hard little things... You'll definitely be able to spot the good mature viable ones!
Yup! I always give em a good squeeze... They crumble if they aren't good and viable. :thumbsup: But immature ones can be rock hard little things... You'll definitely be able to spot the good mature viable ones!

I gotta remember that!:d5:

I olan on letting it run about 3 more weeks. Would give them 45 to 50 days on the plant.

I gotta remember that!:d5:

I olan on letting it run about 3 more weeks. Would give them 45 to 50 days on the plant.


Hell you should be good to go! :pass: Personally I believe any after 5 weeks of development will be good and viable! When you have the pile of them in front of you and you're sorting good ones for questionable ones... you'll see the difference and feel the difference right away.
Hell you should be good to go! :pass: Personally I believe any after 5 weeks of development will be good and viable! When you have the pile of them in front of you and you're sorting good ones for questionable ones... you'll see the difference and feel the difference right away.

Probably gonna be LOTS of sorting. Will let her run to get the best smoke out of whats left. :pass: