New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

I'm very very happy with the KIS nutrient pack, works great. I'm not on here much these days but I'd be glad to pass on my conclusions of the various testing I've done with it. Are they charging to ship it now? It was free shipping to Oregon last year, but even then, the cost really pays you back over time as it costs almost nothing to reamend it for each grow, and you will not need to repurchase soil or bottled nutes, not even calmag is needed, it's all in there.
Thats a beauty! I am with you, i couldn't imagine having 10 or more to tend to regularly.

I have the time but anything beyond what i am doing takes it from a stoners hobby to a working stoner which isn't good:smoking: Thanks it happened that I put some seeds in and in my impatient ways I didn't see them sprout because I dropped them way deeper that they should have been and thought I had lost them. I threw three more in and they all sprouted so my daughter in law has small hands gently pulled them out and we transplanted her after she was only 2 days old. The good thing is I had the chance to see where the root structure was at after only three days and it was already 3 or 4 inches would be a guess. I got way off on a rant here.
I'm very very happy with the KIS nutrient pack, works great. I'm not on here much these days but I'd be glad to pass on my conclusions of the various testing I've done with it. Are they charging to ship it now? It was free shipping to Oregon last year, but even then, the cost really pays you back over time as it costs almost nothing to reamend it for each grow, and you will not need to repurchase soil or bottled nutes, not even calmag is needed, it's all in there.

@MediScrogs I would love to know what conclusions you have come up with that would be great. I think that the soil is charged 28.00 and the nutrient pack is free shipping due to the weight it says so 28.00 for both is a great deal on the shipping. The nutrient pack is what you reamend it with? I have to take off for awhile but I will look for your reply. I appreciate it.
I'm very very happy with the KIS nutrient pack, works great. I'm not on here much these days but I'd be glad to pass on my conclusions of the various testing I've done with it. Are they charging to ship it now? It was free shipping to Oregon last year, but even then, the cost really pays you back over time as it costs almost nothing to reamend it for each grow, and you will not need to repurchase soil or bottled nutes, not even calmag is needed, it's all in there.
Hey bud! I hope that you are doing well, its good to see you around.
i h
Looking good in here dudeski!:d5:

@MediScrogs @Ripped In Oregon im interested in the KIS soil too:pop:
If anyone starts a thread about it please tag me.:smoking:

No problem. I will hopefully have mine in a few weeks or hopefully earlier. I will do a review along with a grow diary using it so I will tag you when I get it going.
Some great growth happening. Looks like you're finding the groove, to a perfect formula.
Dayum Dude...supercroppin' n shitz. How's she healing up?

Ps. They do look lonely. :)

Its funny, i will top and defol but rarely lst since I am not always there, so i said fuck it! The secondary colas were perfect so i evened her up. She never missed a beat.

Im getting a better idea of organic and water only i think. I like it too. One thing i see is mixing nutes and ph is a lot of work. Lot to mess up