New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

I sure hate that about your uncle. That has to be rough.

In his words "I made it thru 9/11... We'll be fine!" and he did. He's tough as nails. So is my aunt and cousins... They'll make it thru. They didn't lose any priceless things or family heirlooms... Nothing insurance can't replace. They are alive and will rebuild. How about your brother??
My brother inlaw only lost power. No flooding or structure damage which is good. I was worried about it for a while.

Yeah, if they made it thru 9/11 they will be ok.
My brother inlaw only lost power. No flooding or structure damage which is good. I was worried about it for a while.

Yeah, if they made it thru 9/11 they will be ok.

He was a first responder there so that's what he compares everything to now... And why he moved back to SC.

That's great about your brother! Dodged a bullet. Safe travels bud!
He was a first responder there so that's what he compares everything to now... And why he moved back to SC.

That's great about your brother! Dodged a bullet. Safe travels bud!

Oh daym reb, he went to hell and back! People dont realize what they go thru on a regular day much less a day like that. I have some friends that were on the task force that went to the Pentagon.
Oh daym reb, he went to hell and back! People dont realize what they go thru on a regular day much less a day like that. I have some friends that were on the task force that went to the Pentagon.

Yeah... He went in with 13 others and he was the only one to live out of them... That Christmas he was complaining about pain in his lips and face... Turned out he had microscopic pieces of debris in his face/lips from the first tower coming down. He's very fortunate to be alive.