New Grower Dudeski Khans Canna Commune

I think so. Maybe. I found a bunch of mephisto threads he posts in, but I'm not sure if they are all his. I haven't had a chance to read them yet. My youngest is having a bad night and she's spent most of the past 2 hours laying on me sobbing. Hopefully she's feeling better and asleep now.

If you or @Nicker32 have a link it might be faster :smoking:
Day 53 and 47. I think the girls are in track again. Both have had 2 applications of the ootic folar.

Thank you! Its probably going to be a week before I can update again. Driving to savannah to help my brother inlaw Wednesday. Only an 11 hour drive.
Ill still be checking in as long as the cell service is working. Hurricane really messed them up.

Im glad the plants survived my experiment. Lol, its how we learn
This beloved plant of ours is very resilient! Way to keep moving forward brother! I too am riding this learning curve with you! I have a Roleadro 600W 5W fired up with 3 x SD under it so I'll be getting some OF too.

Hope things go well in Savanna. I too have family in Hilton Head and Columbia so I've been sending karma that way... I'll just have to double up for dudeski's broski!