New Grower Duckster's First Adventure

Well, last summer was an interesting test for me, my tent regularly got to 110 F and peaked at 118 F one day lol. The plants did not die, but they were not enjoying it lol, and did not produce much. I was very stressed about it, but they did live and produce. So it's not the end of the world, cannabis can survive very high temperatures provided they have lots of water and air. (They're in an outdoor barn so air conditioning is very unrealistic.)

Hey Antropolis thanks for the input. That's encouraging news. I'm guesstimating the lights on cab temps to be 93-95 in the summer (course our summer normally lasts 8-9 months) lol
Hey Hairy, I was thinking the same thing about the frozen 2 liter bottles. I've seen hydro people use them to keep the temps down in their reservoir. Should work, but the big questions are - how many bottles and how often to change. Would test this now but a front is moving through an the temps are dropping. We had our high for the day of 60F at 6am.

Will have to test this in a week or so when the temps go back up. I can hear the wife now, "Where is all of the frozen food and why are all of these 2 liter bottles of water in my freezer?" lmao

:Haha:Hell i never thought about what the wife would say to me taking over the freezer: i am going to try two bottles to begin with, i am putting a web cam in their as we speak so i can monitor the temps,(lol i never took this much concern with my kids lmao). If not will have to sell a kidney so i can buy a led , from what Ive read they produce less heat than CFL, or i might just risk it and see how i get on , its all good i aint reaching over 90 yet and thats with the central heating on,i suggested we turn it off,i got told to fck off:nooo: by she who must be obeyed. Hell i you talked me into it just going to plant and see, i could still be humming and arrring this time next year if i try and get things perfect its a cupboard for fecks sake.
"She who must be obeyed" I love it! I got one of them too lol. Let me know how the frozen bottles work out for you. How big is you cupboard? Yea we got to start with what we got and make "continuous improvement" our mantra. lmao
Hey bro..just thought I'd chime in on this one bro cause I have had experience with this very thing..when I use to grow in a cab I had heat issues as well and tried the frozen bottle tactic with no luck. I had 3x2 liter pop bottles crammed in my Lil cab and it really didn't drop the temp much or for long. You would be suprised how fast they melt in a 90 degree cab.
The best result I had was with a duel use unit....for $30 I bought a mini cold mist dehumidifier by bell and Howell. I just make sure I put ice cold water in the bottle and it's good to go. You can cool your cab by at least 5 degrees and bring up you rh at the same time. It can hold a 2 liter pop bottle and one fill usually lasts a whole day if not on full blast. Lol hope this helps's great cause it takes up lil room in your cab...
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Hey bro..just thought I'd chime in on this one bro cause I have had experience with this very thing..when I use to grow in a cab I had heat issues as well and tried the frozen bottle tactic with no luck. I had 3x2 liter pop bottles crammed in my Lil cab and it really didn't drop the temp much or for long. You would be suprised how fast they melt in a 90 degree cab.
The best result I had was with a duel use unit....for $30 I bought a mini cold mist dehumidifier by bell and Howell. I just make sure I put ice cold water in the bottle and it's good to go. You can cool your cab by at least 5 degrees and bring up you rh at the same time. It can hold a 2 liter pop bottle and one fill usually lasts a whole day if not on full blast. Lol hope this helps's great cause it takes up lil room in your cab...

Thanks for chiming in. This could do the trick. More stuff to buy woo hoo. Also got to pick up some Gatrol of something for gnats.
Sucks to see such a low turnout from a whole batch of seeds, I hate seeing that 5-star hotel with nothing but a tiny mutant inside TaNg's Thang

I hope your new girl(s) flourish ! May the Great Bud in the Sky shine greenly upon your thumbs :gthumb:
Ahman, if was my own fault. Not my first mistake and definitely not my last. You live and you learn. Thanks for the well wishes Cappy:cool:
Congrats on the additions - good luck. Have you stated a journal yet?

I've been trying to figure out how I can do a journal without pics. I guess I could always try and use my webcam, but I kind of think the pics would be blurry. I guess I need to do some test pics.
I've been trying to figure out how I can do a journal without pics. I guess I could always try and use my webcam, but I kind of think the pics would be blurry. I guess I need to do some test pics.

lol, go for it needforweed, webcam photos would work, i love web cams ,i not prepared too say what use i have used a webcam or webcam pics for , but they are very flattering lmao.
..Hey Need...Pic's are nice.But if your good with words some of these experts on here are surely capable of helping you out if need be..As you can see I'm not and need my photo's...

Thanks :peace: