Some really good info here, cheers guys, Ive always been mystified at the drying curing process.
In my past experience ive hung them for 5-6 days, (ive only just bought a digital thermometer and was amazed at the RH- 50 percent, i never knew the correct formula until reading this thread, so i was lucky i guess
Ive always waited for the smaller buds to feel really crispy and their stems snap, whereas the larger stem that they are connected to normally just bends without snapping but you can sort of feel a crunch.
My larger buds are normally crispy on the outside but still springy and sticky on the inside, then i put them into jars overnight, next morning i empty them out in paper bags for the day then back in the jar for the night,
I repeat this until i feel they are dry enough to stay in the jars, then i check them on a daily basis, tumbling them about, opening the lid etc...
Then when im convinced no more moisture, i leave them.
But as im a super worrier, i still check them every now and then when im bored!
As in the taste, i have found that it does come back after being left in the jar for ages,
I overdried some Afghan Kush Ryder Auto once and thought, thats it, i got hay. So i jarred it and forgot about it.
2 months later i came across this forgotten stash and opened the lid expecting a blast of hay in the face but nope, i got a really really pungent smell, woooah i thought, is this mold?
So i took every single bud out and examined them closely, 40x loupe, i mean me and me best mate spent a whole afteroon smoking and scrutinising it for mould but nope, no mold was present.
So we took the plunge and did one up. OMG. We were quite blitzed on the amnesia we had been chuffing but within 5 mins of toking on this stuff i was feeling really blitzed all over again like it was the first one of the day!
The smell was there, the taste was there...was blown away.
So, with long curing, is it possible that even the driest buds will get their taste back? and if not, what happened to my Kush to make it soooo much more different?
In my past experience ive hung them for 5-6 days, (ive only just bought a digital thermometer and was amazed at the RH- 50 percent, i never knew the correct formula until reading this thread, so i was lucky i guess
Ive always waited for the smaller buds to feel really crispy and their stems snap, whereas the larger stem that they are connected to normally just bends without snapping but you can sort of feel a crunch.
My larger buds are normally crispy on the outside but still springy and sticky on the inside, then i put them into jars overnight, next morning i empty them out in paper bags for the day then back in the jar for the night,
I repeat this until i feel they are dry enough to stay in the jars, then i check them on a daily basis, tumbling them about, opening the lid etc...
Then when im convinced no more moisture, i leave them.
But as im a super worrier, i still check them every now and then when im bored!
As in the taste, i have found that it does come back after being left in the jar for ages,
I overdried some Afghan Kush Ryder Auto once and thought, thats it, i got hay. So i jarred it and forgot about it.
2 months later i came across this forgotten stash and opened the lid expecting a blast of hay in the face but nope, i got a really really pungent smell, woooah i thought, is this mold?
So i took every single bud out and examined them closely, 40x loupe, i mean me and me best mate spent a whole afteroon smoking and scrutinising it for mould but nope, no mold was present.
So we took the plunge and did one up. OMG. We were quite blitzed on the amnesia we had been chuffing but within 5 mins of toking on this stuff i was feeling really blitzed all over again like it was the first one of the day!
The smell was there, the taste was there...was blown away.
So, with long curing, is it possible that even the driest buds will get their taste back? and if not, what happened to my Kush to make it soooo much more different?