Harvest & Curing Drying question

Oct 16, 2011
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I have 2 of my plants hanging in my wardrobe.
It's about 62-64% humidity in there and temp is about 68F.
I don't have any fresh air intake, but it's not air tight either.
I do have a small pc fan on the shelf moving air around.
I try not to open the door that much cause I though 60% humidity was
a good humidity to dry at.

So is it ok that I don't open the door that often to keep the humidity in there?
Is should I open it for more fresh air? I just know when I open it the humidity is going to lower, but wasn't sure if it would be ok since I had a fan in there.
I wanted to dry in my grow room since I have fresh intake and exhaust, but 2 girls were about done and looking gooooood, so I chopped.
You really don't need that much fresh air in the drying room. I dry mine in a closet with the door shut and only open it once or twice a day to check the weed.Don't have a fan blowing directly on the weed it will dry to fast. The slower the better.
Here is the method i use, and works great. it's from Ed Rosenthal.


Buds continue curing between temp. of 60-70 degrees with RH of around 45- 55%. Not too dry and not to humid. Good air circulation. Dim lighting. Any method--hanging, tray, open brown bag for small batches etc.
Metabolic processes take place for a short period of time.
Cells retain moisture. Complex carbs are converted into simple sugars. Pigments are broke down along with chlorophyll resulting in the visible colors of the bud (reds, yellows and purple highlights etc.).
After a few days the cells die--end of cure.


At or near 50% RH.
65 degrees is ideal.
Seems to favor hanging or racks etc.
Once you get the snap--go to jarring for aging and storage.
Cool thanks guys. Yeah the PC fan isn't blowing on plants.
Opened the door for about 5-10 mins just now and humidity went from 62% down to 56%. So I shut the door.
Now with the snap of the branches. Is that talking about the smaller branches or the main branch? Cause that's where I think I had problems before.
Some of the thinner branches snapped, but the thicker ones didn't. I don't have a hygrometer for my jars so I have to make sure they are dry enough, yet not too dry.
I don't have a hygrometer for my jars so I have to make sure they are dry enough, yet not too dry.

All u need is one, cigar stores usually have cheapo digital ones for under $20 bucks and you can find them online for really cheap.

For peace of mind after all that time and effort to grow some nice cannabis, it is about as important as a ph pen to me.
All u need is one, cigar stores usually have cheapo digital ones for under $20 bucks and you can find them online for really cheap.

For peace of mind after all that time and effort to grow some nice cannabis, it is about as important as a ph pen to me.

I second that mate.i got mine off eBay for £3,its small and fits in mason jars nicely and works spot on :group:
I have click me They are not accurate but here is the way to know exact how much they are + or - . (mine are 1 +3 and another is -2)

And almost forget : formula of 40%HG = 4 day +1, can be wrong in some circumstances (my case... ) I think it is better to have your harvest not dry enough and then adjust it to the right humidity than have it overdryed.... I will dry my harvest for shorter period of time next try.
P.S. I'm not a professional, I'm just a noob at curing is just my findings and :2cents:
You just need to remember for every 10% RH You want 1 day so if your at 60% dry it for 6 days +1 extra day I dry mine around 36% but i leave it for 4 days and for the snapping af the stems its the main stems do it on the bigger buds its more accreate but you dont want it to snap clean of you just want it to break.. You can always take buds back out the jar to dry a little longer but its extreamly hard to save buds that are too dry.. So if you put them in the jar and the RH is at 70% take them out for 2-3 hours then back in the jar and see where the RH is at.. and repeat if required :smokebuds:
Yeah I have to buy a couple. But I'm currently broke. So there's no way I'd be able to get some before I have to jar these up.
But I did currently get a new job though (just got the call today that I passed piss test) and it's a decent paying job, so I'll have money to buy some new toys for my hobby.
Unless they do random testing, then I might possibly quit smoking/growing all together.

Cool thanks for that info si1984.
Yeah I was planning on 7 days since it's about 60% in there, but I know it'll go down a little every time I open the door to give them fresh air. So wasn't sure if I should start checking them around 5 days.
I chopped them this past Saturday night (12/01).
Yeah I have to buy a couple. But I'm currently broke. So there's no way I'd be able to get some before I have to jar these up.
But I did currently get a new job though (just got the call today that I passed piss test) and it's a decent paying job, so I'll have money to buy some new toys for my hobby.
Unless they do random testing, then I might possibly quit smoking/growing all together.

Cool thanks for that info si1984.
Yeah I was planning on 7 days since it's about 60% in there, but I know it'll go down a little every time I open the door to give them fresh air. So wasn't sure if I should start checking them around 5 days.
I chopped them this past Saturday night (12/01).

I check mine 2 times a day just to be sure but around day 5 yes just give the stems a try like i said dont worry if there still high RH once in the jars for every 5-10% i leave them out for 2-3 hrs jar them up again leave it 3-5 hrs then check RH again :thumbs: