The Epsilon has now been curing for a few days. Still a beet green but on it's way to a good aroma, kind of like wet ground tho. hmmm...

Meanwhile in the tent:
The Strawberry Cola on the right is starting to smell really nice and fruity, I'm sure the White Widow smells like something too but the only thing I can smell rn is the tiny plant with the big buds.
I mean, really big buds
I had to take off a few fan leaves 2 days ago, just to appease my moldy paranoia.
Have to water for a bit more runoff on both plants, there are some signs of nutrient imbalances showing. But that's not stopping the White Widow from becoming an absolute monster. Unfortunately she also drinks like a monster, the 12L pot with pure coco is not enough for an entire day anymore. Every morning the medium is bone dry and hydrophobic, so I ordered some 18L pots in hopes that the 50% more volume will calm that down a bit.

Meanwhile in the tent:
The Strawberry Cola on the right is starting to smell really nice and fruity, I'm sure the White Widow smells like something too but the only thing I can smell rn is the tiny plant with the big buds.
I mean, really big buds
I had to take off a few fan leaves 2 days ago, just to appease my moldy paranoia.
Have to water for a bit more runoff on both plants, there are some signs of nutrient imbalances showing. But that's not stopping the White Widow from becoming an absolute monster. Unfortunately she also drinks like a monster, the 12L pot with pure coco is not enough for an entire day anymore. Every morning the medium is bone dry and hydrophobic, so I ordered some 18L pots in hopes that the 50% more volume will calm that down a bit.