Yuss, I finally got em \o/
For an old coco fiend like me these things are a true quality of life upgrade. Finally I can water for decent runoff every time without having to have a drain in the tub below and I don't have to worry about them sitting in it either.
Zoom in a bit on the white widow on the right on yesterday's and today's pictures, you'll see that she had some deficiency. Which in coco is easily fixable by just watering a bit more. So far I'd always done it propped up on a bucket in front of the tent. This is so much nicer.

For an old coco fiend like me these things are a true quality of life upgrade. Finally I can water for decent runoff every time without having to have a drain in the tub below and I don't have to worry about them sitting in it either.
Zoom in a bit on the white widow on the right on yesterday's and today's pictures, you'll see that she had some deficiency. Which in coco is easily fixable by just watering a bit more. So far I'd always done it propped up on a bucket in front of the tent. This is so much nicer.