It would be better than before for sure. If you use plain pvc, I don't know how much heat transfer will occur from the soil and eventually to the intake air. It will be better than nothing. Metal would be better and corrugated even better. Metal for much better heat transfer and corrugated for more surface contact and no laminar flow........good turbulence for no stagnant air layer for better heat transfer. Kinda like a tin horn culvert. No idea if anyone makes stuff small enough 10-8 in diameter and you'd have figure out elbows.
I have seen some flexible tubing/piping that would work well, being thinner and small corrugation that would break up the laminar flow.. I don't know if you can get it in the size you would need.
Just throwing stuff out there. Maybe it will stimulate some ideas.
My crazy ass would have a heat pump system, with a huge tank buried and a nice grid of piping to "feed" the big tank and have a chilled water system and take intake air running thu the heat exchanger.