Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

Did i hear there will be toe shots over here?!?!?:vibe:
god man i envy you D, one day i will be doing what your doing but until then ypu know im subbed up for this ride!!! Time for a celebratory DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB in the name of the Almighty DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB!:slap::pass:
You and me both, brother! Don't know that it's something I'll get to do one day, but it sure is a beautiful dream!

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Dream Farm Report: Last 24 hours

Well all I can say is last night went very very very well. I got it to stay at 89 degrees and between 873 and 1150 ppms cO2. All of the babies are happy and super healthy. Here are the pictures from this morning. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr it is taking for EVER to load pictures it has literally taken an hour and a half to upload these, is something bogging the site down? The first 3 close ups are of the girls that have been outside for 4,5 and 6 days They are Double Grape, Grape Crinkle, and SODK in that order. They are really loving the cO2 and lights and sun, I am pretty sure they are all starting to feed now, which is good cause they all looked a tad hungry. I have enough room in there for 3 more, I need to decide what I am going to germ next. I think it might be either HBBSS or the White Crack hehehehehehe. Choices Choices. Now of course the first full day that the babies are in their homes, it is one of the 12 days out of the year that it is overcast. I guess its a good thing I have lights for days like this!

The other things that are going on at the Dream Farm are not nearly as fun but just as important. Since it gets so cold here and I live in a travel trailer the "brown" water holding tank is under the trailer and not insulated. So it has been freezing at night which is kind of a pain. So I have to finish skirting the trailer with foam and OSB board to prevent it from freezing. I also need to go put a barrel that has pink attic insulation in it over my well pump so it will stop freezing at night as well.

I need to start working on how I am going to scale up this thing, so that basically means I have to get a cO2 controller an extraction fan. That is the only way I see me being able to heat the entire space and not have 4000 ppms cO2 lol. I also need to cut my tarp so that it is 24 ft long not 24 ft wide so that it covers the entire length of the greenhouse. I am actually glad I started this journal, it gives me a place each day to start off and write down the things I need to do, I can be forgetful sometimes lmao I do daaaaaaaaabs after all hahahhahaView attachment 657692 View attachment 657693 View attachment 657694 View attachment 657695 View attachment 657696 View attachment 657699 View attachment 657703 View attachment 657704

I hope everyone enjoys my baby bushes! Have a great day folks
So many gorgeous, healthy and happy babies! [emoji122] [emoji122] [emoji122]

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I have not yet assembled the squad, but I know my mom, brother and step dad will be my labor force when the time comes. So I should have it covered with those folks but the way these babies are growing I might need twice as many folks hehehehe
Wish I could come and help. [emoji53]

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