Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

Thanks man I have worked really hard to get to this point and it is paying off, hopefully in a couple months I will have a greenhouse full of giant sticky @mephisto buds so I can make amazing daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabs hehehehe
derek, are you training a harvest crew yet?
Hell yeah! All your hard work is going to be very rewarding. Congratulations again and what a great setup! If I could give you a "slap" I would. (Tapatalk app doesn't offer it.) But I'm subbed and looking forward to seeing you kick some ass!
...and leave some beans for the rest of us lol![emoji2]
derek, are you training a harvest crew yet?

I have not yet assembled the squad, but I know my mom, brother and step dad will be my labor force when the time comes. So I should have it covered with those folks but the way these babies are growing I might need twice as many folks hehehehe
I have not yet assembled the squad, but I know my mom, brother and step dad will be my labor force when the time comes. So I should have it covered with those folks but the way these babies are growing I might need twice as many folks hehehehe
the family that plays together stays together, cheers
Well that time has come to finally start an actual journal, instead of just posting updates in Live Stoners lol.

So for everyone who hasn't already describe my setup it is as follows.

Strains: So far It is Sour Hound f2 Michs pick, White Stomper(w. whiteXs.stomper) Double Grape, Grape Crinkle, Skywalker(the Vault Comparison Grow) and SODK soon to follow will be 7 other @mephisto strains.

Medium: All of these strains so far are being grown in @Kindsoil with Roots Organic. I am using @Eyes on Fire's method of mix and plug if you will lol(like he did with his SNOG grow that kicked all kinds of ass) I amended some Roots Organic with 1/4 cup of earth worm castings and 1 tbsp of dolomite lime per pot which I upped to two because my soil pH was reallllllllly low. Then I weighed out 2.5 lbs of Kind Soil and added it to each pot. Then I filled the rest with the amended RO soil and mixed all that up. Then I tiered or plugged 16 oz Red Solo Cups that were filled with a kind of seedling mix I made with EWC's and the RO soil. You can see the Red Solos sticking up anywhere from half to 3/4 of the way out.

Lighting: I am doing something kind of out there and off the wall with my lighting. I am using 3 different photon sources lol. First and foremost I am growing in what I call my indoor greenhouse, which is an insulated 3 solid walled building. The south facing wall and half of the roof is clear greenhouse panels to allow for sunlight during the day for half of the time. Then at night and on cloudy days I am running two 630 watt LEC(cmh) light emitting ceramic(ceramic metal halide) and two 1150 watt Double Ended HPS'

Nutrients: Water only, I may use some organic something or other later in flower like mammoth P or I might make my own tea we will see how it goes

Here are a couple pictures of the Dream Farm indoor Greenhouse

View attachment 657591
View attachment 657592

I am going to grow 55 plants, 5 of them are going to be in my 8 gallon 5 site RDWC system. What I have now is the first half of them in their forever homes. They moved in today. The babies were born on Halloween. I live in Colorado hence the user name lol and I live at 7800 ft in Southern CO. I am basically a mile and a half closer to the sun, great for two things Solar power and growing great ganj!

I germinated them in paper towels moistened not dripping and placed them in a Tupperware then closed it tight and put it in a closet where there was a 250 watt CFL to keep them right at 80 degrees. All but 1 of the 30 I germmed popped within 24 hours. I then transferred them to root riot cubes. I haven't grown in dirt or in root riot cubes in almost a decade and when I did use them I always squeezed the top part dryer than it comes, the reason I do this is to encourage the taproot to grow downward and not all wonky and try to come out the bottom and stuff.

I have been trying to make sure my day and nighttime temps are under control and that has taken a little bit for sure. But time well spent because now it seems to be working great(fingers crossed it stays that way) Also because I am doing this in Colorado in literally the coldest place in the lower 48(seriously it gets to -40 here) I have to heat my space at night. This is being done with a combination of the lights annnnnnnnnnnd wait for it. Propane burning heaters! So there is a dual benefit, A. I heat up my babies so they don't freeze and B. I get the added benefit of cO2 being produced. Now I did not realize how much cO2 was being released when burning propane but it is quite a bit. And since Hot air rises and cO2 sinks it makes it kind of difficult to extract the cO2 and not the heat when your exhaust fan is mounted at the top of the room. But I have over come this I believe for the time being and things seem to be running very smoothly both during the day and at night, now as the sub 0 temps approach that may change. I am anticipating that so I am getting a cO2 controller and another fan to run at the bottom of the room.

The Site is being very slow for me uploading pictures so I will try again shortly to post the pictures from today. I will TRY to do updates with pictures every 2 or 3 days. I hope everyone is ready to ride along at the Dream Farm
Yeah! [emoji106] [emoji122] [emoji122]

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