Mephisto Genetics Dream Farm Report: Mephisto Edition

Welllllll I have been a lazy stoner the last couple of days and have not done an update for the dream farm, so here goes lol

Dream Farm Report: Last 48 hours With pictures

So it got down to 4 last night and the babies did just fine, tonight it will be a whopping 1 degrees lol. But I have no fear I think I can honestly go down to about -20 or so with the setup the way it is. It is pretty dang insulated at night that is for sure. The Double grape and grape crinkle that have been out the longest are really taking off now and growing well, the SODK has stalled out and I cannot figure out why, it is kind of frustrating honestly. The 3 that have been out the longest also showed there sexy lady parts yesterday on day 24 so that is good, I think that will make them go 70 or 75 days if I had to guess. The rest of the babies are doing great and growing well, trying to catch up to the bigger girls. I have almost taken @Yeatster's approach and gone and yelled at a couple of them for underperforming lol. there is one white stomper that will NOT perk up and she is starting to make me mad, I am going to give her another couple of days to get her act together but then the yelling starts. Well folks here are some pictures for you to enjoy! View attachment 663500 View attachment 663501 View attachment 663502 View attachment 663503 View attachment 663504 View attachment 663505 View attachment 663506 View attachment 663507 View attachment 663508
I've got 4 white stompers going right now, stretching like mad. 2 of them have some lazy droppy tops but are growing quickly. One of them literally falls over probably 30 degrees about 2 hours before lights out. By morning they are standing pretty straight with obvious signs of growth. I should take pictures..
Welllllll I have been a lazy stoner the last couple of days and have not done an update for the dream farm, so here goes lol

Dream Farm Report: Last 48 hours With pictures

So it got down to 4 last night and the babies did just fine, tonight it will be a whopping 1 degrees lol. But I have no fear I think I can honestly go down to about -20 or so with the setup the way it is. It is pretty dang insulated at night that is for sure. The Double grape and grape crinkle that have been out the longest are really taking off now and growing well, the SODK has stalled out and I cannot figure out why, it is kind of frustrating honestly. The 3 that have been out the longest also showed there sexy lady parts yesterday on day 24 so that is good, I think that will make them go 70 or 75 days if I had to guess. The rest of the babies are doing great and growing well, trying to catch up to the bigger girls. I have almost taken @Yeatster's approach and gone and yelled at a couple of them for underperforming lol. there is one white stomper that will NOT perk up and she is starting to make me mad, I am going to give her another couple of days to get her act together but then the yelling starts. Well folks here are some pictures for you to enjoy! View attachment 663500 View attachment 663501 View attachment 663502 View attachment 663503 View attachment 663504 View attachment 663505 View attachment 663506 View attachment 663507 View attachment 663508

Yell at them, it works!!!

Nooo don't yell at them!!!

Umm...disregard above statement.
Dream Farm Report: Last 24 hours

Everything has gone well, I was a little late getting home last night after my tattoo and I have found that if I do not zip the babies up right when the sun goes down it is hard to heat the space back up, but if I get it at like 80 as the sun goes down it keeps that heat retained. Lesson learned. The stupid little white stomper is still just all slumped over, there is another one that is kinda droopy but it perks back up with their daily sun shower. I am really puzzled by what is happening with it, I will figure it out though. Also the grape crinkle that I thought had damping, did not in fact it was just underwatered severly at first. Now it has straightned out and it too is a self topped girl and she is a perfect example literally two main cola stems coming out after the cotyledons it is really cool. I will take pictures here in a bit when it warms up a little. It was 1 degrees this morning lol
Oh and for those that didn't see in LS here is my AFN tattoo that I got last night. @Ripper @The Elvis @stepside @Starbreaker I think yall said you wanted to see it when I got it here ya go