Indoor Dragon Thread

Cheers man, I'm gonna keep her going for a week or so more see how much more weight I can get,I think.

But after feeding,her yesterday that smell is back... Best way I can describe it now is you know that algie smell you get she cleaning out a tropical fish tank? That's how it smells now.

Got me worried
I know I am a bit late , but I'll bring around the Honey Bourbon . :thumbsup:
Never had anything like it m8.. hope she sees it through to the end for ya.. the air pots should stop any root issues next time around ;) i've always used either the fabric or plastic root pruning pots and no root probs.. theyre belter ;) only started my first run with the actual super roots airpots so lookin forward to the results there.. strugglin with my tent temps bigtime atm!!
Oh no!!! Did you cut open the root ball to investigate?
And dude I took a pic of the roots.. Looks fine but,ill delve into it tomorrow to have a looksie
I will get pics up tomorrow of the roots... Should I just hit,the soil with a hose to rinse the soil off?
Yeah, just not full blast! :biggrin:
Sorry I was missing for most of this, my Good Brother. :bighug::pass: What say we knock one outta the frickin' park? :muahaha: