Day 18
Big update!
I've changed up a few things in the grow area since my last update. Before, I only had two 4" intakes that had knee high pantyhose as air filters. This caused a lot of negative pressure even with my fan on its lowest setting. Two days ago, I upped it to four 4" intakes with pantyhose. This helped a bit, but still the tent caved in on itself more than I would like. When I tugged on any of the walls from the outside, it resisted my pulling pretty strongly. Now I have two 6" intakes, and the 13x16" native intake port open. I've sealed each intake with some media air filter material I got from walmart. Apparently it has three layers. First layer kills mold and bacteria, the second is just some fibrous stuff and the final layer apparently has some activated carbon to grab onto smoke and fumes... so the package reads. At any rate, I felt like this filter upgrade was necessary because my townhouse has a bit of a dust issue. I don't know what the heck my landlord did prior to our move in, but there is a lot of plaster-like dust. With just my pantyhose filters running a few days, they went from "jet black" to having a nice white dust caking them. I'll probably install the same 3 stage filter material on my central air system to cut that down in the general enviroment.
As per Gonzo's suggestion I've started to LST train the plant based on his supplied photo and a ton of YouTube videos I watched at work. While my previous post mentioned that I would use a tomato cage, I've since changed that idea. I plan to build a scrog net out of some PVC pipe and string. It'll probably be a freestanding structure with legs instead of attached directly to the tent frame. I also plan to add some vertical structure with PVC above the frame that will hopefully keep the inner walls of the tent from bending so far inward.
As far as the LST goes, I have ZERO experience. Therefore, I'm hoping anybody will chime in with tips and advice. At the moment, I've made a loop in some nylon cord and lasso'd the top of the plant and attached the other end to a bamboo chopstick I have jammed into one of the holes on the side of the Airpot. I couldn't really find any advice on how to orient the bend in relation to the node geometry. What I mean is that, when viewed from above, the plant takes on a plus sign + structure. With this is mind, I didn't know how the plus sign should bend. My intuition leads me to believe that a diagonal approach would be best. This way, any nodes and leaves wouldn't be facing directly downward on the bottom of the curved plant. To put it another way: if the plant is +, I've bent it \.
So there's the current configuration. I took out the box I was using to raise the plant, so now it's at about 42" from the light. I like the bamboo stick in the side thing. I can gradually twist the stick over time to pull on the plant more.

So glad it's Friday and that I have the time to spend looking at my plant. The leaves and stems coming out from the original nodes are very busy which is telling me the plant is very healthy. I'm glad to see this organic, microbe-based approach is working out so well. I'd like to think the occasional foliar feeding of Pure Protien codfish hydrolysate is providing the plant with some easy-access nitrogen, thus the thick growth.
Tomorrow I'll start building the scrog net. If anybody has any suggestions, let me know!