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I'm an IPA destroyer. Hands down my favorite of all the crafty brews. They have this habit of being weird on the first taste, but after a few sips they start sliding down like water
I was a home brewer for 25 years. IPA is by far my favorite profile but I do like a good Red Rye or an Oatmeal Stout. Of course I like them All. With my diabetes and gluten intolerance having 45 to 60 gallons of ale on tap is no longer an option.

This does not mean I cannot have a good ale now and again. Glutenberg out of Canada is a very good brew house - all Gluten Free!

I love their IPA

Wife made one of my favorites Chicken Parmesan for us tonight even though it takes her a long time to prep. Whole chicken breast pounded out flat, seasoned flour dredge, seasoned egg wash and then coated in Italian bread crumbs. Pan fried in olive oil and set to the side. Whips up a nice marinara sauce while the spaghetti is cooking. Plates everything up, coats the top with mozzarella cheese and under the broiler till all melted.
That is exactly how I does it too except I usually use Panko these days and I blend it with grated parmesan to really bring the parm.

I used to hand make it at Maxwell's Restaurant exactly like your wifey to order. Quite a pain in the ass actually, but I got it down...a few years later my friend Dom showed me the parmesan + panko version and I was like "Why didn't I ever think of doing that??" The Panko + Parm is something I took away from Sam Snead's in Orlando...along with Kings Hawaiian French Toast with Grand Marnier, and I never even worked there.

I learned a cool steak recipe in Florida. Marinate a nice 12-14oz ribeye in crushed pineapple + teriyaki for a couple hours. While that's away, grate a handful of nice fresh ginger root and let it steep in a few tablespoons of ginger on super low heat or even a double boiler. Basically make ginger butter without separating the butter. Let it set halfway and roll it up in wax paper to make a log and slice a few pats for your pineapple teriyaki ribeyes...put it right on top of the hot steak.

We would decide which side we want facing up for each steak, and throw that pretty side down onto a preheated 500° flat iron griddle with a little oil for a minute to get the sizz they were getting plated...still sizzling...the butter goes on the steaks and starts melting like a boss. Pineapple teriyaki ginger Ribeyes from a 4 star restaurant. I stole this recipe from Kemmons Place restaurant on 192 in Orange Lake Country Club. My parents bought a few weeks RCI Timeshare, and I got friendly with a couple of the cooks and found out the recipe from the inside. The real secret of that dish was the high end locally farmed beef they were getting...that would have been good no matter what you did to it. The steak dinner I had there was incredible, it was the best steak I had eaten up till that point...and the guy who made that resort is the man that created Holiday Inn, Kemmons Wilson. I even met him once, he reminded me of Kenny Rogers for some reason.

I used to listen to Kenny Rogers The Gambler on my Fisher Price record player when I was 7. I also had Billy Joel, Johny Horton, and the Beverly Hills Cop soundtrack where Axel F hid. Don't judge. Hahaha.

I did get Appetite For Destruction on my 13th birthday...which is why I started playing guitar, so at least I didn't stick with Billy Joel.

Ooh...I'm making those melt in your mouth beef sammiches in a little bit, I got the beef all soaking and forked in the teriyaki/garlic/pepper juice
Who's hungry y'all??

Gotz me some beef logs on the ole Blaster Master. Got the throttles to the firewall, making about 22 pounds of boost at the moment. I figure somewhere around 575 to the tire on E85.


The hammer of doom is coming! The melty sammichfaction is real. Just wait'll the kids get a load of these bammajammas
Just wow. This is shattering my conceptual reality. Error. System critically overloaded. This is the best one yet guys. This sandwich is a fucking eleven guys. NB grabbed the steakhouse flavor...I added some brown sugar, a smidge of teriyaki, ground ginger, pepper and garlic. I forked the logs like 200+ times and let em soak for a good 5 hours. About 25 mins on the grill and then 45 mins in the oven at 325° covered and then rest in the warm oven for another hour. That's just what I did. I got 193° on the big one. Sharpened my thin carving knife real nice and sliced. Double toasted the bottom roll to keep it from getting soggy. Pepper jack and sharp white cheddar, Hellemans mayo, and beef. They come out to a little over $5 a pop at a solid half pound each.

OMG Franky!!! I didn't know a sandwich could do this
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Home grown corn is one of summer's best gifts. this is the Picasso from Burpee. This is the first year I have grown it. It gets an 8 out of 10. I have Golden Cross Bantam in a couple of weeks. The GCB is my all time favorite.


The patch was small, only 6 plants so even with hand pollination the ears were not full. It was very good. The only way you can get this great corn flavor is to pick it, shuck it and get it in the pot to cook. Boil water put the corn in turn the heat off and cover the pot for 10 minutes. Slather with butter and salt and dig in.

The perfect accompaniment to the corn is BBQ chicken!




Happy Summer meals my friends!