Live Stoners Dr. Babnik invites - Stoners Tea Party

Not to forget Beef tea again not a tea but but more of an essence of beef stock.

Beef tea preparation
  1. Combine the beef, salt, and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. ...
  2. Pour the liquid and the pieces of beef into the jar or container, cover it tightly, and let the liquid steep (like tea, of course) in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.
Beef tea is almost identical to the French l'essence de boeuf, a truly restorative food with a different almost gossamer type of protein for healing ailing bodies. It is alkaline. This is not beef broth or beef consume or beef soup. It is a distilled concentrated liquid beef oftentimes known as beef tea. I have noticed when animal proteins are prepared this way, and taken in very small almost medicinal quantities, they are alkaline and especially healthful for someone who is sick and ailing.

Round steak or eye of the round is trimmed of all visible fat and cut into little cubes. These cubes of beef are placed in a clean wide glass jar with a lid. Add to the jar a clean rock or a heavy spoon for balance. Place this glass jar with the beef cubes (and the rock or heavy spoon) inside another big pot of water.

Loosely cover the glass jar containing the beef. Loosely cover the heavy pot the houses all. Each has its own lid or cover. Allow this to simmer together for about 2-4 hours. It will concentrate into a distilled form of liquid beef. Press the meat and liquid through a strainer. Save this liquid. Toss the beef as the nourishment has been taken from it and imparted into the water, the liquid beef, the beef tea, the beef juice.

Prepared according to this method, when cool the liquid solidifies into a thick gelatin. Sip slowly about 1 - 2 tablespoons per day of this super chewing the liquid so the saliva enzymes mix with the liquid beef.

It is wonderful to sip when you are recovering from surgery or an illness and gives immediate strength. Liquid beef keeps up to 3 days refrigerated. The French call this method a restoran. It means to restore; the origin of the word restaurant; a place for weary road travelers to restore themselves for their journey and they might have partaken a small sip of beef juice to give them added strength.
A brilliant post!

Yes it is!
But roasted coffee beans is not suitabel for collection. Except from green tea, most tea can be stored a few years.
I like coffee fro italian Ginevra. They have a pure Robusts blend so strong you instantly strech your back when taking a zip.

What do you think of my Pavoni?

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Never pass up a chance for a cup of Kona or Jamaican Blue Mountain. Like Some teas, many of the traditional local strains have been replaced with a higher yielding commercial type. In coffee, it is the Arabaica which although is inferior in some aspects, makes more money.

I likethe Pavoni, Even the less ornate look cool.
In fairness to Tea drinkers everywhere, I would be remiss in not mentioning the many fabulous Samovars used by the well to do.

Never pass up a chance for a cup of Kona or Jamaican Blue Mountain. Like Some teas, many of the traditional local strains have been replaced with a higher yielding commercial type. In coffee, it is the Arabaica which although is inferior in some aspects, makes more money.

I likethe Pavoni, Even the less ornate look cool.
In fairness to Tea drinkers everywhere, I would be remiss in not mentioning the many fabulous Samovars used by the well to do.

Wish I had a samovar.
I can make a lot of traditional cups of tea, but I miss a Russian samovar.
A brilliant post!

Just to get in the spirit, leaving the other behind. I'll not type the C word again. I'm brewing a cup of the wifes Hyleys Garcinia Cambogia accompanied by some Speed Devil [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] in the vape.
My favourit country! Spendt 3 weeks travelling Morocco by train. I could not smoke anything. Her Ladyship was afrsin I would end up in a moroccsn prison. I have been busted for smoking joints in hotels before, so I check the enterance door for leaks. All hotels I stayed on in Morocco had a few millimetres opening under the door.

So if smoking in your hotel room, check the door!
important safety tip
Just to get in the spirit, leaving the other behind. I'll not type the C word again. I'm brewing a cup of the wifes Hyleys Garcinia Cambogia accompanied by some Speed Devil [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] in the vape.
I'm roasting a duck. After eating too much, I will have some bubble hash I ordered by mail. It is fine stuff and a cup...c... First thing in the morning and after a fat meal. Tea black and sweet or greenish and sugar free.
whew!, no chains and dungeons

I was in The Wag (An old castle turned eatery) one day when the owner or manager picked a guy up by the scruff of the neck and bums rushed him out the door screaming "You don't use drugs in my restaurant."

Safety tip#2. Learn the difference between a coffee house and every place else.