Live Stoners Dr. Babnik invites - Stoners Tea Party

Tea by def. is limited to Camellia sinensis.

We call most water extracts of herbs tea. But if the leaves are from other plants than C. sinensis, it is tecnically a tisane. Eventhoug we call a herb blend a herb tea.
OMG way to go bro!
I have already repped you today so I'll have to wait to slap you again.
You only went and said what I wanted to post yesterday!!
Your absolutely spot on the money any other botanicals steeped in hot water is a "Tisane"
Not a lot of people are aware of this and you my friend have just made my day by posting this information.
I held of mentioning it but wish I had now lol but the truth always finds a way, excellent thread by the way!
Very cool doc! i never knew you liked tea! i drink it from time to time but i dont consume much caffeine but when i do its usually a Monster energy drink, my "caffeine" is some Short Stuff Super Cali Haze x Yeti BHO. A dab of that and im wide awake and alert i love it:bighug::coffee:

is that tiramisu duggy?!?!:pighug:
I have many interests and hobbies.

Wide awake? I try that. I can't sleep more than 2-4 hrs these days.
I had to increase mood medication. Isocarboxazide is some powerful drug. I increased dosage with 10 mg and the dopamin current is at the level you would have after intake of a CNS stimulant. I have all the effects of speed, except from the fact that I eat. Have to take 5 mg away and see if the brain will work with fewer RPM.
so cultured! thanks for the invitation @Dr. Babnik !
wouldn't be the first time to hang with the "tea heads" ;-)

don't get me started on tea!!!!

i have my usual tea strains :
- some nepalese black tea
- some myanmar mountain black tea
- some indian tulsi (sacred indian basil, for devotees of krishna!)
- some taiwanese high mountain tea
- some chinese pi-luo chun
-- all these from friends who have brought these from the respective countries!!

- plus some of my own freshly trimmed peppermint leaves (i'm doing some cuttings / clones right now)

and what shall it be? cheese? ak47? white widow? or northern lights?
Sure I want to start you on tea! I may pick up some new knowledge.
Sounds really nice Doc!
I'm gonna try blending some, thanks for the recipe!
I do love the smokeyness!
I also like smoked foods and of course Scotish Whisky which is aged in charred barrels.
The funny thing is I no longer smoke weed for the most part, prefering to vape instead!
I like my Russian Caravan with milk so I add a little extra to the pot and let it have a good brew but not too long so it doesn't get too much tannin in it!
I use
3 parts Ceylon tea
2 parts Green tea
5 parts Assam
4 parts Lapsang

I use the same spoon to define the "parts". It has a full body, like you would expect from an Irish breakfast blend. The green tea is in there to mellow the strong tastes from the assam and lapsang.
One of the best cups of tea I ever had was at a free rave festival.
It was Britain's first illeagl rave festival held on Chipping Sodbury Common ,There was a whole load of different British sound systems there including Circus Warp and DIY (legends in their own rights!)
I had taken a Pink Floyd "The Wall" acid tab and they were pokey as fuck!
Well a night of fun and frolics was had and I danced the night away.
By the morning I was somewhat disheveled as the sun was rising over the festival.
By this time I was just wandering around taking it all in and chilling in the first light of the day, with eyes still like saucers!
I happened to pass by some new age travelers who were sitting around drinking cups of tea and smoking spliffs.
They said they'd sell me a cup if I wanted one, this was music to my ears.
The cup was missing it's handle and was cracked and had developed a certain patina inside, where years of tannin had accumulated.
Yeah to be honest that mug was pretty minging!
But..... that cup of tea was so good it had been perfectly brewed had the right amount of milk and two sugars!!
I rolled a spliff and settled back and enjoyed the next ten minutes with a smile on my face.
This was exactly what I needed after a night of tripping and dancing, and it revived me.
Almost forgot.. I asked how much they wanted and they said just give them what I thought I should pay, so I gave them 20p, well it was 1991 (I think).
It may not have been the most fancy cup of tea I have ever had but it is the most memorable one and when ever I think about it, it takes me back to that night, which was so full of good times!

here's a picture of the festival
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OMG way to go bro!
I have already repped you today so I'll have to wait to slap you again.
You only went and said what I wanted to post yesterday!!
Your absolutely spot on the money any other botanicals steeped in hot water is a "Tisane"
Not a lot of people are aware of this and you my friend have just made my day by posting this information.
I held of mentioning it but wish I had now lol but the truth always finds a way, excellent thread by the way!
Thank you, thank you.

And thank you all for joining the tea party!

Since we talk tea, we should just have the terms in place.

Tea has become a generic term.
I mean, many farmers feed their plants tea. This tea never saw a tea leaf. But we call it a tea. If I have the cold, I grab for instant Ricola herb tea, which is not a tea but an instant tisane.
Not to forget Beef tea again not a tea but but more of an essence of beef stock.

Beef tea preparation
  1. Combine the beef, salt, and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. ...
  2. Pour the liquid and the pieces of beef into the jar or container, cover it tightly, and let the liquid steep (like tea, of course) in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.
Beef tea is almost identical to the French l'essence de boeuf, a truly restorative food with a different almost gossamer type of protein for healing ailing bodies. It is alkaline. This is not beef broth or beef consume or beef soup. It is a distilled concentrated liquid beef oftentimes known as beef tea. I have noticed when animal proteins are prepared this way, and taken in very small almost medicinal quantities, they are alkaline and especially healthful for someone who is sick and ailing.

Round steak or eye of the round is trimmed of all visible fat and cut into little cubes. These cubes of beef are placed in a clean wide glass jar with a lid. Add to the jar a clean rock or a heavy spoon for balance. Place this glass jar with the beef cubes (and the rock or heavy spoon) inside another big pot of water.

Loosely cover the glass jar containing the beef. Loosely cover the heavy pot the houses all. Each has its own lid or cover. Allow this to simmer together for about 2-4 hours. It will concentrate into a distilled form of liquid beef. Press the meat and liquid through a strainer. Save this liquid. Toss the beef as the nourishment has been taken from it and imparted into the water, the liquid beef, the beef tea, the beef juice.

Prepared according to this method, when cool the liquid solidifies into a thick gelatin. Sip slowly about 1 - 2 tablespoons per day of this super chewing the liquid so the saliva enzymes mix with the liquid beef.

It is wonderful to sip when you are recovering from surgery or an illness and gives immediate strength. Liquid beef keeps up to 3 days refrigerated. The French call this method a restoran. It means to restore; the origin of the word restaurant; a place for weary road travelers to restore themselves for their journey and they might have partaken a small sip of beef juice to give them added strength.
That's the great thing with teas based in green or oolong tea, sugar is not necessary.
For a shot of caffein, I drink coffee.
Tea is more cumbersom, if you want an experience and not just a teabag.

Tea differs from coffee in its effect....the effect of tea on body and mind is dependent on your state. If you are stressed, it relaxes. The letargic gets energi. If you are cold, tea warms you. If you feel too warm inside, tea will cool.


Not to start a coffee rebellion,:haha: I've sipped many a cuppa tea, but coffees are complex and varied as is tea.:coffee2: Like tea, local soils, altitude, and climate differences produce different traits and flavors as well as local processing methods. Ritual? Granted, Tea has a mystique originating in the orient where traditions and correctness were the norm. The Empire has improved taste and added to the ritual with milk and sugar. But, Although you consider it cumbersome to do it right, and there are many beautiful teapots and storage like ArchieG's Dragon Container, none of the hardware in the process is anywhere as grand as the old commercial espresso machines that were works of art as well as function.

Not to start a coffee rebellion,:haha: I've sipped many a cuppa tea, but coffees are complex and varied as is tea.:coffee2: Like tea, local soils, altitude, and climate differences produce different traits and flavors as well as local processing methods. Ritual? Granted, Tea has a mystique originating in the orient where traditions and correctness were the norm. The Empire has improved taste and added to the ritual with milk and sugar. But, Although you consider it cumbersome to do it right, and there are many beautiful teapots and storage like ArchieG's Dragon Container, none of the hardware in the process is anywhere as grand as the old commercial espresso machines that were works of art as well as function.

Yes it is!
But roasted coffee beans is not suitabel for collection. Except from green tea, most tea can be stored a few years.
I like coffee fro italian Ginevra. They have a pure Robusts blend so strong you instantly strech your back when taking a zip.

What do you think of my Pavoni?
