Dutch Passion DP by DP by Fuggzy.


Perfectly Flawed
Oct 15, 2015
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Hi guys. This is going to be my first grow of DP genetics, I am going to do a Durban Poison auto, and hope to knock it out the park. I have been waiting to grow this sucker due to height restriction, but I just upgraded to a 6.5' tall tent. It will be grown under a 600w hps. I am in the process of finishing a COB fixture that will add ~225w of goodness. The cobs are vero 10's, and are in 3000k, and 3500k, 12 of each. This will be grown in a complete organic system. My soil can be found in my signature if anyone is curious. Some of the thing I will be using are worm casting/compost teas. botanical teas, fermented extracts (FPE) agsil16H potassium silicate, mycos inoculate, and w/e other goodies I choose to make. It just went in the water tonight, so I don't have much for images, but this is my current grow just for fun. 8 plants, reg seeds, 2 strains both blueberry mixes. Lots of extra space to work with too...

If anyone has any questions let'em fly. I'll happily explain anything you see. Also If you have grown this strain and have any tips please leave them, I'll be grateful.

I'd like to invite a few people in particular, but the door is always open here.
@Herbisaur @The Elvis @CanuckFrog @tripaholic88 @arty zan @scally420

I'll make sure to keep the pictures coming, really, who doesn't like bud porn here? Till later, take care guys.
@Fuggzy can't wait to see this progress! What are you using for ground cover?
Hi bud, thanks for stopping in. I've got high hope for this one!

My typical cover is alfalfa, and timothy hay, with tree/shrub leaves crumbled in, sea grape leaves also crumbled, and decaying wood. The wood is a great fungi source, and the sea grapes where wild grown at the beach. I am hoping by using them I can harvest some of those yummy minerals the sea carries. If not, it still adds to the biodiversity. Alfalfa is just great in general, and the timothy hay my rabbit eats, lol. (the 2 grass hays are in a bale, for the rabbit)
Hi bud, thanks for stopping in. I've got high hope for this one!

My typical cover is alfalfa, and timothy hay, with tree/shrub leaves crumbled in, sea grape leaves also crumbled, and decaying wood. The wood is a great fungi source, and the sea grapes where wild grown at the beach. I am hoping by using them I can harvest some of those yummy minerals the sea carries. If not, it still adds to the biodiversity. Alfalfa is just great in general, and the timothy hay my rabbit eats, lol. (the 2 grass hays are in a bale, for the rabbit)

Very interesting bro. On paper your medium makes perfect sense.

Dude, I used to by and smoke Durban Poison in South Africa. In the day, the natives sold it out of large garbage bags for 5Rand per handful. They called it Dajja.
Thanks bud. So far the above plants are the first batch of seed in the new soil mix, and have only received dechlorinated h2o. I'm not even pHing it, just straight from the filter, and the soil is doing the rest. Plus it has cooked for another 13-14 days when the DP seed goes in it, so I have even more faith in it.

I have never had any Durban, but man I can only imagine from the reviews I read. I'm pretty excited to have this. I only have 1 though, so it's gotta be good, lol. Take care bud.
So sexxxy!

Very interesting bro. On paper your medium makes perfect sense.

Dude, I used to by and smoke Durban Poison in South Africa. In the day, the natives sold it out of large garbage bags for 5Rand per handful. They called it Dajja.
Thanks bud. So far the above plants are the first batch of seed in the new soil mix, and have only received dechlorinated h2o. I'm not even pHing it, just straight from the filter, and the soil is doing the rest. Plus it has cooked for another 13-14 days when the DP seed goes in it, so I have even more faith in it.

I have never had any Durban, but man I can only imagine from the reviews I read. I'm pretty excited to have this. I only have 1 though, so it's gotta be good, lol. Take care bud.
View attachment 552499 So sexxxy!

I just showed your photo to my Mom. She almost started crying. She really misses South Africa and hanging out at Durban Beach; she was a surfer chick.

I can assure you Durban Poison may be one of the best you have smoked. There is a reason Afrikaner botanist hasn't messed with it. You are going to love it.

The key is seeds straight from accross the pond. My cousin was bringing me some and got popped, all they did was take his/my seeds. If the idiot didn't have a joint, I may have received my seeds.
Very cool! We are almost growing the same strain at the same time! I started up a DP Durban Poison(photo version) on April the 1st. Planning to put her in the full sun garden, so I should harvest at least 2lbs of dried bud minimum, as long as the grow goes like normal. Will be interesting to compare growth rates between the auto and photo.