Dutch Passion DP AutoColorado Cookies and AutoBrooklyn Sunrise.

Day 3.

Another splash of water for both pots.

AutoColorado Cookies.

AutoBrooklyn Sunrise.

Cannabis plants have 6 or 7 different types of trichome only two of which contain cannabinoids. The following picture is of a mature AutoBlackBerry Kush calyx with an abundance of Capitate sessile trichomes which hold the majority of the cannabinoids but if you look closely you can also see the Unicellular non-glandular trichome,these look like hairs and contain no cannabinoids.


Here's some fantastic research done by GW Pharmaceuticals.


Chapter 3 page 78 for the in depth trichome research.....fascinating stuff.
Day 3....it was going to be day 4 but I've decided to roll it back 24hrs as I started counting the days the second the Cookies broke ground and I should have waited a day like usual.....I did the same on the Auto Night Queen and it's been bugging me.

No water added today but I have lowered the light 5cm as the Sunrise looked a tad stretchy.

AutoColorado Cookies.


AutoBrooklyn Sunrise.

Cannabis plants have 6 or 7 different types of trichome only two of which contain cannabinoids. The following picture is of a mature AutoBlackBerry Kush calyx with an abundance of Capitate sessile trichomes which hold the majority of the cannabinoids but if you look closely you can also see the Unicellular non-glandular trichome,these look like hairs and contain no cannabinoids

Not only beautiful pics but educational too. Maybe this should be on the school syllabus. Would of kept me in school.