New Grower DP Auto Ultimate-LED-NFT Grow.

yeah thats what happens when you dont listen to people and put 2 plants in a system meant for 1 lol. its been an emotional journey thus far but i think ive got it dialed in now. should be twice this size at the same point next time now that i know a bit more of what im doing. been smooth sailing for a few weeks now so heres hoping : )

I can dial in on that call :biggrin: totally failed on my first auto grow when it comes to sizing, check the link in signature and take a laugh on me :haha:
I can dial in on that call :biggrin: totally failed on my first auto grow when it comes to sizing, check the link in signature and take a laugh on me :haha:
is that your first grow with the 16 mostly oranges and 3 males removed? looks good to me. happy and healthy anyway. how old are they about 8 weeks? bit on the small side but not to be sniffed at for a first grow mate. love your lights aswell man theyre sexy. cost more than my full set up tho lol.
the girls have just had some more defol and a bit of manual spreading so theyre not looking very photogenic right now. heres my 250ml experiment tho whos looking good : )
ive stopped tying the girls down for now but give them a good opening up every night. another 20 or so leaves and 2 more, pointless colas removed tonight. still at 13" so no vertical growth for 3 or 4 days but the insides are going crazy thanks to the defoling. i feed them 10l at res change then 5l every 3 days till next change. keeps the ph 5.5-6.1 this way so i like it.
theyve consumed 250ppm of 1000ppm/15 litres, since yesterday. exactly 28 hours between checks. which works out at 214 per 24 hours. thats a shit load of feed for a plant half its total age and a quarter the size its meant to be. what the f^%k would they be eating full size?!! main stalks are about 1.5" wide! awesome haha i cant wait to see what i can do with these babies next time. im not even bothered what i get now that im feeling a lot more confident about my technique. feels awesome to not be stressin every day. wicked : )
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is that your first grow with the 16 mostly oranges and 3 males removed? looks good to me. happy and healthy anyway. how old are they about 8 weeks? bit on the small side but not to be sniffed at for a first grow mate. love your lights aswell man theyre sexy. cost more than my full set up tho lol.
ahh that ones your second grow lol.
is that your first grow with the 16 mostly oranges and 3 males removed? looks good to me. happy and healthy anyway. how old are they about 8 weeks? bit on the small side but not to be sniffed at for a first grow mate. love your lights aswell man theyre sexy. cost more than my full set up tho lol.

i really saved up on them, wanted someting with low electricity cost and more light power, less heat and these things shoul last!

ahh that ones your second grow lol.

Its actually my 4th and 5th indoor grow. The one with CFL lightning was my first with that type of light and my first with auto flowering genetics. The one with the LED is the first with these lights and i do experiment every time i do a little different. I have to get on the lower side of nutes next time and will watch the temps a little more since i think thats my problem this time. My first indoor grow went totally wrong so i can say i have to successfull grow with NDL indoor they really got me the best weed i ever smoked but i hated the whole noise and heat and those stoneage bulbs...
aye theyre tidy lights like. been eyeing up the amare 450 myself. not for next time but maybe the one after that. my mars is doing well but got a cheapo, almost identical one beside it and its clearly blurple. get more of a white light from the mars. other one now just looks shit and blue by comparrison and its only been on for 6 weeks. not impressed with it or the company that sold me it.
yet more defol tonight. another 20 or so leaves, whats that about 70/80 now and i could just about swear theres now more than when i started. think ill just let them grow up next time and pin the top colas down. must be easier than this lol. no vertical growth for at least 4 days now tho and theyre starting to show so started bloom nutes at 25%. ill leave it like that for a week then see how they are. ill let them go the hundred days if i can so still got 6 weeks or so to go. a lot can happen in 6 weeks. time for the exciting bit now haha : ) superb
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also getting a lot of over perspiration after lowering the lights to 31/32". raised the side fan up to hopefully deal with it.
actually, who had the rust spots on their leaves? this is a top cause of it. the sweaty leaves will all go rusty, a bit shrivelled and slightly darker in a few days.
well im a happy chappy today folks. cody lane on the right hand side now has an almost 2" thick main stem : ) means i now gotta try take the corex cover off to widen it wich will be a pain in the ass as the whole top is taped up pretty well but still chuffed. also if i hadnt been the one removing,now over a hundred leaves in ten days. i probably wouldnt believe it had happened. gettin some explosive inside growth thanks to it but its a lot to deal with. dont know how some of you guys manage to work and run 20 plants like. it must be a bloody nightmare lol