Down on da Bayou

What's up doobie ...
I should have a good Herd ..
Just Right Xtra is know for them beasties and I spray In a rooting hormone Stump Tea which also innoculates the roots
I have to turn it every week cause of the white fuzzies growing on top !!!

Please stay tuned ..ill add the bacteria's in there
It should be super loaded tho ..
And today it gets Neem before some transplanting !!!
What does neem do for transplanting?
Neem Is for bugs doobie ..
And it adds in some uptake of Nutrients ..
From what I've read if ya can tolerate the smell its good for jOints pain as well ..
Its from the Indica family ..

Grown welcome bud ...good to have ya around.

I used Neem Alot this year outdoors and man has it been a blessing ...very little bugs once that shit kicks in mm

And plants stay super healthy so far
Day 25

Here's some more porn
She likes to eat that's for sure that tea just made her wake up she grew almost 2 more nodes and about an in halfway thru lights on
They are the hungriest plants I have seen. They are carnivorous. I would be curious as to some calorie equivalents of the nutes and how many calories they can eat.

I mean damn I thought the soil was warm ...
I'm still gonna keep it simple stupid ...
But that tea wasn't to shaby ..
To answer ur aqyedtion Mustard
I'm gonna finally break down and get the 200$ Hanna multipen ...and measure everything cause id sure love to know how much how fast Ppm style ...
So put that on a bucket list soon to be grow ...
I think this pheno if I can lock it with this shorty male maybe a Study stubby fatty shorty ...shit a list of adjectives could come out ...
maybe even a little pinky in the future ...

I have a vision for anudda cross but I gotta finish this first ..
I ha e a 1 gal Sour cream Bucket now ...hummm .
Its white so I gotta find a frowty white dragon for that
put those 2 thoughts into ideas ....

Lol ...
So she eats water next that is all..
I also created 1 cup of ash outta 1 quart of Orange peels
Takes about 10 hours on 350 so u don't smoke out the house ...
Next I will burn Cherry wood chips and Orange peels to see what that does and makes for faster timing ...
When I use the orange peel ash will be around week 9 till finish ....
Maybe give her a super charge ....but im digging her building ....
I'm finally holding good nodes for the moment ....

A beacon of health right there!!!! A beauty swamp!!!!:thumbs:
Thanks turtle ...
Good to see ya around. ..i hope all ma homework come through to the end !!!
You got me wanting to Re Veg this thig too for more breeding lol
Get down Boy .!!!!

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So little guy got a tie down
We all used to seeing a lady tied but swamp tied a male this round
He needs to go in a box attics way to hot already

So I'm gonna box him and collect pollen on a plate

Or I'm gonna dabbed on the paint brush and store it in a latex glove does that work !!!
KISS:D:peace:WTF is that
Just noticed I got a thread with 5 stars ...
Kinda kool thanks for whoever rated it ..!!!

I can't wait for my 35-45 days. ...then my 65-80 ...
Num num ...

I'm making a high K tea for my tomaters with this Orange peel ash ...they been lacking in my 20gal contained...and they have needed molasses to make them turn ripe ..

So they gonna get an experiment but the ash doesn't or hasn't dissolved yet ...
Just floating I guess from the oils left inside ...
Humm??? .

Anyway we will see what happened in 36 hours ...
Cucumber peels and some porn if my collections will come tomorrow ...
Ladies really growing now tho ...
She's going 5 leafs first 3 nodes ..7 fingers 4-5 nodes and now 9 fingers at node 6-7 ...
Unstable whore ..!!!
.ales holding 5 so far ...and they both starting to match in the pinkie coloring reddish on stalks ...
Purple balls tho so the Vibrant purp is gonna stay. ...
Just finally got subbed and caught up bro! Looking good so far! nice and lush! I'm here for the finish.....:group: