Down on da Bayou

So this plant is finally in her home mm.....
Born I na 44oz cup ....Tiered into a 2 gal Rootbuilder Pot ...
she got a watering just plain water cause I had fed her couple of days ago ...
She hasn't curled or done anything but grow 2 nodes and 1-1/2 inches ...
is looking mean now that it's in some love ..
But I also stacked about 4 inches of the bland coco under her cup ...
Should be fun on this one ...
Not gonna car a whole or on the Ph but ill check my water In
Chosen Pair For f2 Ibl

Weeek 3 update :
I dunno really a lot about breeding and make this F label
But here goes I'm gonna dose a branch with a brother maybe 2 branches to make a good stock .
Then from this batch I'm gonna dose back to the Magical cheese for som more cheeses in there !!!

They are drooping cause they sleeping otherwise they have good perk ATM ..

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Now it's hot ass balls during the Day so the grow was planned for lights off during this time but I needed to see some porn !!!

And here is da Incestral Mj Babaies

And the little guy got Fish emulsion at 10ml per quart he was getting hungry :thumbs:
They getting anudda Neem Bath tonight ...
And the little girl is about to show parts ..
She's getting in on this new home ...
You're okay... It's not a cloven hoof (or leaf). :peace:
I'm not seeing it swamp?
Ok I'll wait a few days ...but the last 2 u gotta get in there still ..
Ahh we will see ..
Who knows ..but she smelling good. ..!!!

When did yrs show at what node Goauto??
probably took six weeks befor it stuck out... ya about the 5th or 6th node.
haha Maybe im getting to excited ...but im seeing some have that extra 6-7 and a few have 5 some 7 Last 2 full open leaves ...are the ones im trying to pick out ...the middle finger is alone and the sides are 2 and 3 ...
I'm 4 true nodes and a few days away from 5th full node so ouii wiee ...
I hope it comes out but who knows ...

Today im gonna start ma afirst brew tea to get her some rooting and feeding she seems to be ok ...
She's gonna eat a tea of
Stump tea 1/2 tbls
Ewc 1tbls
Blackstrap Molasses
Roots Uprising Foundation 3-1-1 Calcium 4% Mag 1% Iron Fe . .02% Recommended at 1-2 tsp per 1-10 gal a month ....Me I put 1 tsp in da Tea !!
Derived from:
Fish Bone Meal, Oyster shell flour, Kelp Meal, Greensand, Soybean Meal, Glacial Rock Dust, Alfalfa Meal, Feather Meal, Bat Guano, Langenbite, Rock Phosphate, and Loenardite.

So here goes the first trial of a Roid tea .
It's reminding me of my #1. Little longer for sure. :gthumb: