La Buena Hierba Doobies LBH New 2 U Testers Blue Haze,Blue Cobra Haze

Yeah Im.doingStraight here ...
They OK.WITH my fish goo ...they Love Humic as well bro
If u have some i give it as Foliar ...but yall ahead Of Me ....
BDH DSC_0050_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0052_NEF_shotwell.jpgBCHDSC_0058_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0056_NEF_shotwell.jpgI didnt take out the BH this time pain to move out the tent ..starting a bit of feed on them.Started 2 more BCH in 5 gal more small fries !
:X's Evil Laugh x: DAB, aka Guy Dubois, this is Super Waria, speeding through your 'hood and spying on your activities! :coffee break: LOL!! ...just riding the catch-up wheel really,...What's good my homie? :D: I see things are well in hand here, as the ladies all look stellar! BCH is ready to go ape-shit primetime!..Wow! -did she build a body or what?! Loads of extra fuzzy bud pom-poms, a promise of good things to come!! BDH is right on her heels,... :High 5: -nice work my friend! Time to go see the rest of Dobbie Wonka's Bud factory! :drool:
sorry i dont reply a lot but i have bit trouble in prived live i got surgery and when i come out of hospital mine wife got a car crass and is not so wel , so i hoop you guy's dont mind i read fast sometimes wen it go's beter i will be back more
<-- :Stones slap: Oh man, so sorry to hear about these troubles,... that's what we call a Double Whammy in the US! We hope you're doing better,...All the best and a speedy recovery for yourself and your lady! :karma Cloud: :hug:
Yo My BCH LOOK.super Indica ...

Have u seen them ....
Im.not getting ur Pheno or atleast i dont think ????..

They doingwild things now the settling those roots deeply .....
Seeing Major Growth Fast......
I love shallow But Wide Pots .....
@Waira from the bario WAZZZ UPPPP lol yea loving the growth so far..I keep getting an N build up for some reason..but buds dont seam to care lol honey to see if it fixes it..The BCH is in the biggest pot so Is the biggest..the BDH was in a pot with another but now has it solo..and the BH is in a pot of 2 but one is still on the N road tips turning down..Ill do some ph checks tomorrow of runoff and soil just to haven't checked ph in forever :P I love this time right here ..they look crazy different for one week to the next ! Its bud stack time!

@Swamp..Yea saw yours too hmm we will see when they are a lil bigger ..I have 2 more BCH going in 5gal pots ..we go big now!May put 2 BDH in the other 2 5galpots..I just had harvest so got some room now.Looking at catching some fish and feeding them to the plants for a test LOL just seems like fun..and fish have a good diet and usually whatever they eat has a good diet lol maybe ill just get some emulsion LOL..Im curious to see how fish juices ladies do with an all fish diet!

We will get more testers in soon different strains I just pull males and pop another...Im just happy im looking at these ladies like man im the first in the states to taste this ! lol WOOT..and now you guys too!:hug:
BDHDSC_0021_NEF_shotwell.jpgBCHDSC_0024_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0026_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0029_NEF_shotwell.jpgBH1DSC_0036_NEF_shotwell.jpgBH2DSC_0040_NEF_shotwell.jpg..All are doing fine and hunger as ever..I moved them around a bit and was shocked at how much they had to drink overnight.BH.DSC_0041_NEF_shotwell.jpgSo I am upping the feed..also try some honey and some stuff I made ..tell ya later..but after using it they are hungry as hell..starting to shift to more natural methods tweaked with nutes till im weaned off LOL maybe :P
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Nicely coming along, great work :thumbs:

Here slap you back :slap:

UPDATE PICS! ..Some things I learned on this grow..Im a big pot guy lol my style is more suited for big pots and single plants in each pot..Well for yield I need 5gal pots from now on..As you can see the Cobra is a beast and its a good thing I downsized my number of plants and made room in the tent for her...The BDH was in some lambert soil and it doesnt like it..Ill pop a few more in big pots I can tell the want to be beast too..Also the BH are coming on strong ..the on in the back is looking very nice and chunky for its size..the LST really helped it to fan out to the other side of the pot..They are all still getting feed around 1000 ppm..started checking ppm with them..I was feeding too little making them turn yellow lol..when you start to worry about light feeding some I tend to go too light lol LBH BLUE COBRA HAZEDSC_0021_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0025_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0026_NEF_shotwell.jpgBH Thought I took more pics ..:(DSC_0027_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0028_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0029_NEF_shotwell.jpgDSC_0031_NEF_shotwell.jpg