The average price difference between a 90 watt and a 180 watt is less than $10 average! Get the 180, its more versatile and more bang for the buck! I've had seedlings and clones under mine, they did fine!
Hi pop22 i know what you're saying but both the Mars and Prakasa lights are pretty much exactly the same. Mars rates/advertises its lights based on the output power and they rate it as giving off the the same as a 180 watt HID but it only really uses between 95-100 watts of electricity from the power line which is almost the same as the 90 watt Prakasa that they say can replace a 150 watt HID.
Prakasa advertises and rates their lights based on the consumed power not the output power. When i measured how much the Prakasa was drawing from the socket it came to 87 watts. I was just worried that the mars one was so cheap and i know they are basicly direct from china but just wanted to double check i wasnt being scammed. I know they had a 100% rating on ebay but from my experience people on ebay don't even know what they are buying half the time lol. Seen so many fraudsters selling junk with perfect ratings...weird.
Im glad this place exists it makes me OCD better! Cheers everyone! Glad to know i didn't buy a dud!