DOGS LIFE indoor

and four days later, some had some heat stress but their taking it like a champ. feed them with some Great White beneficials when I transplanted. going to flip them any day now.
Dog?? What is you're indoor plantation doing???

sorry for no update, i went on a small trip. had to make sure the girls had water for the week, so i feed them then flooded the tray with 15 gals. when i got back after six days they were dry and just starting to drupe. they also have a potassium and Cal/Mag deficiency going on now. just trying to bring them back to health. i wanted to flip them but Im having probs with my timer. might have to do it manually...( that sucks).

i'm curious of how many hours/day/week you spend at this point?

not as much as I would like really, but I'd say an hour a day sometimes less..which is why the plants could be in better shape. during flower i spend a bit more time in there, right now I just go in there and look over them real good and separate. there's so many different traits to pick, makes it hard. have to stay focused on the end goal.