Grow Room Does My Plant Look Okay for 3.5 Weeks?

Well it seems to be coming along not as fat as id like but hey im sure every grower says that! 8 weeks tomorrow so 1 month left based on the 10-12 weeks the site states any noticable problems? I think the top may be slightly too close to the light as its a little yellowy looking and i think the bottom has some brown rust looking spots maybe p or k deficiency? Also anyone have any experience on molasses and if you should flush with or without it? I can see positives on both spectrums :S (feeding microbes speeding up cannabilization) or (less ppm and contents in the soil so the plant cannibalizes?) Thanks a million ! :pass:


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Hey everyone 2 weeks or so left, just had a question about some of the botton leaves curling downnnn I gave her a flush 3 days ago, should I use peroxide and flush (super worried about rootrod or budrot) just ruins it xP or does this happen near the end of flower? They dont seem dead / dying due to not much if any yellowing :S thanks again to everyone who helped me out.


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I see no issued I'd panic about. Keep on with what your doing, she's going to finish fine...molasses or not? I use it right up till chop. Always seems I get a better bud swell with it, but that could just be a stoners imagination. I certainly haven't had any negatives that I've noticed.
Hey Thanks for spoonfeeding me everyone! Just got 1 final dillema well..2. And ill be good to go swearsies! Okay I attatched a picture of the very top most nug what do you think could be the issue here :S its yellower than anywhere else and my last dillema was...well its a white widow...ive heard about 48 hours of darkness before harvest will cause 2 things to happen -1 the leaves will go yellow from lack of food -2 the plant pumps out some extra kief. Anyone care to chime in their opinion on this? Both sound like positives to me! last picture is just for reference to size pretty happy for 45w and less than ideal nutrients :D


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im terrible at the diagnosis game.looks like a tad of tip burn to me.
48 hr of darkness could be an old wives tale.hasnt been proved either way yet.if you think it works,then it works.
Oh do you mean from the light? Ive been using veganic rock powder based nutrients and organic soil with molasses every other feed and under dosing all of them at that so i had ruled out nute burn but i figured its closest to the light :S now I said I was done and one final thing occurred to me! The bottom buds look less developed than the tops, should I harvest twice? Or do autos not respond well to that :S and I will take one for the team here in the name of cannabiscience! I have a pretty good camera so ill take a pic of the before and after from the exact some position of probably the 2 biggest nugs and see if after 48 hours of darkness she has decided to fart glitter all over her self heres to hoping!
Leaves will naturally yellow as the plant progresses, more so if you flush, plant is pulling all it can from its storage tanks. I've heard rumors of higher resin content by a dark period before harvest, but I wouldn't expect crystal monsters if they weren't before. I've always chopped when my eye says it's ready, not a date on a calendar or specific day of the week. For me, its easier to say "yup now", as saying it'll be ready in 2 days...